• Transcending the Heavens, Altmile
  • Ranunculus in Glorious Bloom, Ahsha
  • Counteroffensive Knight, Suleiman
  • Dark Dragon, Spectral Blaster
  • Whirlwind of Darkness, Vortimer
  • Meteokaiser, Victor
  • Exxtreme Battler, Danshark
  • Mist Phantasm Pirate King, Nightrose
  • Ghoul Dragon, Gast Dragon
  • Cornflower Flower Maiden, Ines
  • Model Knight, Orhan
  • Hope Keeper
  • Black Chain Flame Dance Formation, Hoel
  • Extreme Battler, Headstrong-battle
  • Extreme Battler, Break-pass
  • Curtain Call Announcer, Mephisto
  • Crescent Moon Juggler
  • Hoop Master
  • Witch Doctor of Languor, Negrolazy
  • Waterspout Djinn
  • Ideal Maiden, Thuria
  • Cherry Blossom Blizzard Maiden, Lilga
  • Knight of Light Order
  • Favored Pupil of Light and Dark, Llew