This document serves as a commentary on the chronicles of another world known as Planet Cray.
From the opening line alone, I’m sure many readers would summarily dismiss this as mere fantasy. It’s a perfectly understandable reaction, but that perception is mistaken. Planet Cray is no illusion but a tangible reality, and numerous nations and research institutions have received official fundings in order to conduct profound research into the planet.
Behind this endeavor is the fact that there have been multiple observed interventions by the native lifeforms of Planet Cray throughout the course of Earth’s history. Some of the most recent incursions include wide-scale destruction (※), and their potential hazard level for catastrophe has been determined to be sufficient to warrant the allocation of national budget to research into these phenomena.
(※) Refer to events such as the “Я (Reverse) Pandemic Incident” and the “Complete Future Event”.

However, to simply appraise our neighboring dominion – the celestial body known as Planet Cray – as a risk would be a woeful oversimplification. As I delved further into my research, I came to believe that there is an inseparable connection between Planet Cray and Earth, and that we should regard them not an adversary but rather as a fellow compatriot with whom we ought to continue to traverse a parallel path.
According to an otherworldly text (※) being progressively deciphered by a renowned university in the United States, there are countless “worlds closely resembling our own” coexisting with the world where Planet Clay exists and the world where our earthly abode exists. For ease of understanding, the chronicles I am presenting is a summary of the key events that are common to many of the approximations of these parallel histories.
(※) “Akashic Manuscript”: An otherworldly text that automatically appends, modifies, or deletes its entries.
It is worth noting that this chronology and commentary document may undergo changes in the future. Additions and revisions in the chronology may occur if any new information is revealed through research. Furthermore, it is possible that “history itself” may be modified due to the influence of events that occurred on Planet Cray or Earth. Such modifications have occurred before, and it would be imprudent to dismiss the possibility of a recurrence.
Are you ready to begin this journey?
If so, let’s unravel the threads of Planet Cray’s history.