◆All Emerged From the Boundless “Void”
Before we dive into the history of Planet Cray, I believe it essential to touch upon the origin of the worlds to which Planet Cray and Earth belong. The history of Planet Cray is an epic of struggles against the world’s crises, many of which stem from this “Origin of the World”.
Mythologies weave a diverse tapestry on the origin of the world. Mountains and rivers sprang forth from the corpses of primordial giants, and the world rested on the backs of colossal elephants and turtles. If I were to borrow from the same line of expression, then surely it ought to be proclaimed that the world was born from the “Void”.
Imagine if you will, an enormous tank filled with an immeasurable amount of paint of all colors melded into a profound, endless black. That’s the Void—a repository of infinite energy, the primeval source encompassing all possibilities, the mother of all worlds.
Compared to the unfathomable mass of the Void, the worlds are ever fleeting. In these diminutive worlds’ struggle to grasp their singular possibility, the Void seeks to return them back to their most innate state—the Void itself. The Void abides by the laws of these worlds as it relentlessly seeks their disintegration.

◆Interwoven Destinies
There existed a remarkably rare world—one that was born almost overlapping with another, resulting in the entanglement of “Existence” and “Destiny”. This unique world, bearing twice the “Design Force”, beckoned the harrowing annihilation known as the Void due to its unreckoned strength.
This “Convergence of Worlds” is none other than the two worlds where Planet Cray and Earth coexist in parallel.
>>Chapter 3