
Notification of penalty (30th April, 2024)

In light of the evidence from a video stream of the Bushiroad Championship Series 2023 World Finals tournament of multiple instances of improper shuffling that resulted in card information being revealed, and a deliberate effort to take advantage of that information to manipulate the order of the opponent’s deck, we will be imposing the following penalties on the player in question for the infraction of cheating:

  • Revocation of their Bushiroad Championship Series 2023 World Finals placement and prizes
  • 24-months ban from taking part in any Bushiroad Official Tournaments, Bushiroad Sanctioned Tournaments, and/or any tournaments that utilize Bushi Navi (until Apr. 30, 2026)

We would like to request for the community to remain civil in their discussion of the matter, and to refrain from making comments or videos that intentionally target groups or individuals related to the incident.

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