Card List

[BT08]Blue Storm Armada

Thunder Spear Wielding Exorcist Knight
Thunder Spear Wielding Exorcist Knight

Normal Unit
Dragon Empire
Grade 2
Power 10000
Critical 1
Shield 5000
[CONT](VC/RC):Restraint (This unit cannot attack.)
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter-Blast 1] If you have a <Narukami> vanguard, this unit loses "Restraint" until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a <Narukami> vanguard, this unit gets [Power] +2000 until end of that battle.
Hah hah! Are you ready, time to release the seal!

Found in the following Products

05-03-2013 [BT08]Blue Storm Armada Card List

Q&A containing [Thunder Spear Wielding Exorcist Knight] [1 results]

  • Q284(06-10-2013)
    This unit's CONT ability is lost. Can this unit attack?
    Yes, it can attack. With CONT lost, it means that the "Restraint" is lost in the process.

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