[BT13]Catastrophic Outbreak

Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"
Normal Unit
Angel Feather
United Sanctuary
Grade 3
Power 11000
Critical 1
Shield -
Twin Drive!!
[ACT](VC)[Limit-Break 4](This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose two of your rear-guards with "Celestial" in its card name, and lock them] Choose up to three units in your front row with "Celestial" in its card name, those units get [Power] +5000 until end of turn, and if you have a face up card named "Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"" in you damage zone, choose one card from your opponent's damage zone, put it into his or her drop zone, your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and puts it into his or her damage zone. (The locked card is turned face down, and cannot do anything. It turns face up at end of the owner's turn.)
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Prophecy Celestial, Ramiel" in your soul, this unit gets [Power] +2000.
[CONT](VC/RC):Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Prophecy Celestial, Ramiel" in your soul, this unit gets [Power] +2000.
[CONT](VC/RC):Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
This is the last oracle...... Punishment upon all creation!
Found in the following Products
05-02-2014 | [BT13]Catastrophic Outbreak | Card List |
[Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Q&A containing [Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"] [6 results]
When there is a "Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"" in my damage, I used the "Limit Break" ability of this card. At this time, if there are no rear-guards nor cards in the damage zone of my opponent, what happens?Resolve the ability of the card as much as possible. In the case that there are no rear-guards on your opponent's field, units in your front row get Power +5000, and put a card from your opponent's damage zone to his drop zone. When there are no cards in his damage zone, units in your front row get Power +5000, and your opponent puts a rear-guard to his damage zone. -
A card in the front row gets power +5000, but is subsequently moved to the back row. What happens to the power?As the change in zone is a change in position of circles, there will be no change in power. -
Is the card that is put to damage zone by this ability face up?Yes, it is face up. -
When there is a "Cleanup Celestial, Ramiel "Яeverse"" in my damage, who chooses the card to put from the opponent's damage zone to his drop zone, and choose a rear-guard from his or her field to his or her damage zone?You will choose the card to put from the opponent's damage zone to his waiting room, while your opponent will choose the rear-guard to put from his or her field to his or her damage zone. -
Can I use the activated ability of this unit any number of times?Yes. As long as you can pay the cost, you may activate it any number of times during your main phase. -
What happens when a rear-guard becomes locked?When a rear-guard is being locked, place the unit face down and it becomes locked. At the start of the owner's end phase, that fighter will put all cards that are in locked to face up and stand position. When a unit is locked, it is no longer considered a unit, cannot attack, intercept, move, use [RC] abilities, nor be attacked. Also, that unit will lose effects of abilities.