Card List

[VGE-D-BT04] Booster Pack 04: Awakening of Chakrabarthi

Chakrabarthi True Dragon, Mahar Nirvana
Chakrabarthi True Dragon, Mahar Nirvana

Normal Unit
Dragon Empire
Flame Dragon
Grade 4
Power 13000
Critical 1
Triple Drive
[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you have a unit in the [overDress] state, all of your front row units get [Power] +10000.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-Blast 1 & Put a card with "Nirvana" in its card name from your hand or soul into your drop], choose a grade 0 from your drop, call it to (RC), choose one of your opponent's vanguards, and if your opponent's damage zone has four or less cards, deal one damage.

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02-11-2022 [VGE-D-BT04] Booster Pack 04: Awakening of Chakrabarthi Card List Product Page

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