Card List

[EB07]Mystical Magus

Battle Sister, Chai
Battle Sister, Chai

Trigger Unit
Oracle Think Tank
United Sanctuary
Grade 0
Power 5000
Critical 1
Shield 10000
Heal Trigger +5000
(You may only have up to four cards with "[Heal] HEAL" in a deck.)
Stop kidding around-!

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04-11-2014 [EB07]Mystical Magus Card List Product Page

Q&A containing [Battle Sister, Chai] [1 results]

  • Q590(08-29-2013)
    As long as the card names are different, can I include other [Heal] trigger cards in my deck, making it a total of 8 [Heal] trigger cards?
    No, even if the card names are different, there can only be a total of 4 [Heal] triggers in your deck.

View the Q&A
of other cards in this product.

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