[G-TD06] Rallying Call of the Interspectral Dragon

Timebreak Dragon
Normal Unit
Gear Chronicle
Gear Dragon
Dark Zone
Grade 1
Power 7000
Critical 1
Shield 5000
Time Leap-[AUTO][Generation Break 1](This ability is active if you have one or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, choose up to one of your other rear-guards, and time leap it. (Bind it, call a grade +1 card from your deck, and shuffle your deck. At the end of the turn, put the called unit on the bottom of your deck, and call the bound card)
It's only a clock. Not an almighty deity.
Found in the following Products
12-18-2015 | [G-TD06] Rallying Call of the Interspectral Dragon | Card List |
[Timebreak Dragon] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Cardfight!! Vanguard Team League 2016 (USA/Texas) - 2nd Runner-Up Team - Player 2: Joseph Robinson |
Bushiroad Championship Series 2017 (France) - 2nd Runner-Up: Teddy Louis Henri |