Deck Recipe

Wrought Iron Dragon King, Zedhlans

The more Smithy set orders are placed, the more you power up your fellow rear-guards in this "Wrought Iron Dragon King, Zedhlans" deck. By powering your fellow rear-guards 3 times or more, you can send relentless attacks to your opponent!
With 3 or more Smithy set orders, you can power up "Wrought Iron" units in one go, and triumph over your opponent with Triple Drive and continuous attacks!

Nation: Dragon Empire

Check out these featured cards!

Wrought Iron Dragon King, Zedhlans

Wrought Iron Dragon King, Zedhlans
When this unit is placed, by Soul-Blasting 1, put up to one set order from your deck or drop into your hand!
When this unit attacks, by Counter-Blasting 1, this unit gets Drive +1. At the end of that battle, if your unit was chosen 3 or more times by the ability of the Smithy in your order zone, stand this unit and it gets Power +10000 and Drive -3!
Place 3 Smithy set orders in your order zone by your 4th turn, and empower your vanguard for furious consecutive attacks!

Wrought Iron Workshop of Burning Flames

Wrought Iron Workshop of Burning Flames
Play this if you have a "Zedhlans" vanguard!
By resting this card in your order zone, choose one of your units, and it gets Power +5000. If you chose a "Wrought Iron" unit, until the end of your opponent's next turn, that unit gets "Intercept" and Shield +5000!
Place 3 or more copies of this card to fulfil the conditions of the restand ability of "Zedhlans"!
Other units that do not originally have "Intercept", such as the grade 3 "Fierce Galer Dragon", can also gain "Intercept" and Shield value so you can easily solidify your iron defenses!

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