Deck Recipe

Uncontrollable Chrono Doll

Uncontrollable Chrono Doll

A Gear Chronicle deck that utilizes the abilities of "Steam Maiden" units. Confuse the opponent while exchanging units back and forth from the bind zone and perform multiple attacks!

Clan: Gear Chronicle

Check out these featured cards!

Steam Maiden, Elul

Steam Maiden, Elul
Bind one card from your drop to call a "Steam Maiden" from your bind zone! At the end of the battle that a "Steam Maiden" rear-guard attacked, bind that unit and call a card from the bind zone with grade equal to the bound unit's grade +1! If you called a grade 1, Counter-Charge! During your turn, this units gets +1000 Power for each card in your bind zone! If this unit is your vanguard, it gets +3000 Power instead! Together with the abilities of "Alul" and "Ilul", steadily exchange your lower grade "Steam Maiden" units with stronger "Steam Maiden" units while attacking!

Steam Maiden, Alul

Steam Maiden, Alul
When placed from the bind zone, bind one card from your drop, and this unit gets +3000 Power for each grade of the card bound! At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, if your vanguard is a Steam Maiden, Counter-Bast 1 and bind this unit to call one grade 3 from your bind zone! As this deck becomes stronger with more cards in your bind zone, make sure to utilize the abilities of other cards to increase the amount of cards in your bind zone! After attacking, you can have this unit exchange places with Elul!

Steam Maiden, Ilul

Steam Maiden, Ilul
If this unit is your vanguard, Soul-Blast 1 and bind a grade 2 or less card to draw one card! If you bound a trigger unit, draw one more card! At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, if your vanguard is a Steam Maiden, Counter-Blast 1 and bind this unit to call a grade 2 card from your bind zone! As this unit's effect can be used when riding, make use of it to prepare your hand for later in the game! After attacking as a rear-guard, you can have this unit exchange places with Alul!

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