Deck Recipe

Glanzel Rotovisor

Fight with copious amount of Counter-Charge and Energy-Blast in this Glanzel Rotovisor deck!
Set tons of "Arena" Set Orders, power up all of fellow allies, and go for relentless consecutive attacks from your rear-guards!

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Glanzel Rotovisor

Glanzel Rotovisor
During your turn, if your order zone has three or more Arenas, all of your front row units get Power +5000! At the end of the battle this unit attacked, by Counter-Blasting 2, draw a card, choose the same number of your rear-guards as the number of Arenas in your order zone, and stand them. If you chose three or more rear-guards, all of the chosen rear-guards get Power +5000!
Achieve consecutive attacks from your rear-guards just by the number of "Arena" cards in your order zone! With three or more "Arena" cards in your order zone, you can beef up your allies' Power to a gigantic scale!

Nova Grapple Arena: Urban City

Nova Grapple Arena: Urban City
When your unit attacks, if you have a "Rotovisor" vanguard, and another Arena in your order zone was not rest this battle, by resting this card, the unit that attacked gets "When this unit's attack hits, Counter-Charge 1 or Energy-Charge 2." until end of that battle.
Add this on-attack ability to your high-powered allies! Activate this on-hit ability to Counter-Charge or Energy-Charge and agressively use it for all kinds of card abilities!

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