Deck Recipe

Cloudwater Flitfoot Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji

The deck build with a new Shojodoji vanguard!
Bind your opponent's rear-guards and hand, and spearhead "Stealth" units in continuous attacks!

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Cloudwater Flitfoot Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji

Cloudwater Flitfoot Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji
This unit is also regarded as "Peak Personage Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji".
By Energy-Blasting 3 & binding three "Stealth" cards from soul, choose two of your opponent's rear-guard circles, bind all of the cards on the chosen rear-guard circle, and your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and binds it. At the end of that turn, your opponent puts them into hand!
When this unit attacks or is attacked, by putting two rear-guards into soul, choose up to two "Stealth" cards from your bind zone, and call them each to a front and back row rear-guard circle! If it is your opponent's battle phase, call all of the chosen cards to Guardian Circle instead!
Bind your opponents' hand cards and rear-guards, call out "Stealth" cards collected in your bind zone, and attack attack attack!

Stealth Dragon, Ougijishi

Stealth Dragon, Ougijishi
When this unit is placed on rear-guard circle, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one "Stealth" card from among them, put it into soul, shuffle the deck, and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets Power +5000!
When this unit is put from rear-guard circle into soul during your battle phase, by Counter-Blasting 1, put two face up cards in your opponent's bind zone into drop, and you get "All of your front row "Stealth" units get Power +5000."!
This mighty Stealth agent helps you deny your opponent's increase in hand size by sending the cards bound by Shojodoji to drop while powering up all your allies!

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