Deck Recipe

Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom

A new vanguard emerges from the depths in the Maelstrom deck from Booster Pack 08: Minerva Rising!
With the ability to deal multiple attacks with the assistance from rear-guards and attacks that seal away sentinels, devastate your opponent like a storm!

Nation: Stoicheia

Check out these featured cards!

Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom

Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom
During your turn, if your rear-guard circle or soul has a "Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom", this unit gets all of their ACT abilities, and all of your front row units get Power +5000 for each Blue Storm Armada in your order zone!
When your "Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom" attacks a vanguard, if it is the fourth battle this turn or more, draw a card and retire one of your opponent's rear-guards!
By resting two Blue Storm Armadas in the order zone when your "Maelstrom" unit attacks, your opponent cannot call sentinels from hand until end of that battle!
Utilize the ability of "Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom", develop your allies from soul, and grant said allies the ability for consecutive attacks!
Together with the ability to empower your front row units, strive for hard hitting consecutive attacks!

Tear Knight, Eilikrinis

Tear Knight, Eilikrinis
A unit card that becomes affiliated with 《Aqua Force》if you have a vanguard with only 《Aqua Force》! You will be able to call cards like Algos or "Storm of Judgment"!
Once you have reached Generation Break 3, this unit gains even more Power!
When this unit is placed, put up to one card with "Maelstrom" in its card name or Blue Storm Armada card from the top seven cards of your deck into your hand, and increase your soul!
At the end of the battle this unit attacked, you can swap this unit's position with one of your other rear-guard's, so if you swap positions with one of your standing rear-guards in the back row, you can increase your attack count!

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