Deck Recipe

PhosphorescenceStream, Haseritt

Haseritt from Lyrical Monasterio ~Summertime Memories!~ returns with new DressUp abilities!
Expanding on the battle tactics that utilises units with low Power! Increase your hand size by drawing cards on attack and strengthen your defenses!

Nation: Lyrical Monasterio

Check out these featured cards!

PhosphorescenceStream, Haseritt

PhosphorescenceStream, Haseritt
With the ability to grant a total of 7000 Power to grade 3 units with 12000 Power or less, to grade 2 units with 9000 Power or less, and to grade 1 units with 7000 Power or less, even for units that originally have low power, you can call them out with Power higher than units with standard amounts of Power!

You can also increase your card advantage with card draw at the end of each of your fellow rear-guards' battles!

Pair up with cards like "Cooling Heart, Yuika" and "Lambent Planetaria, Rafeska" that are able to return cards to hand at the end battle, you can draw cards while returning units that have attacked back to hand!

Summer Sky Locus, Senon

Summer Sky Locus, Senon
Call out your fellow grade 2 friends with 9000 Power or less and grade 1 friends with 7000 Power or less and gain Power +5000 on top of it!

Pick and choose units depending on the current situation! Call out "Topya" when you want to increase soul, or "Receus" when you want to increase another unit's Power, or "Faustina" or "Rafeska" when you want an attacker! In addition, you can move Critical Triggers back to the deck from drop when this unit is placed, so you can aim to drive check Triggers again by returning used triggers back to the deck!

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