Constellate Solace, Mediell
Mediell from Lyrical Monasterio ~Summertime Memories!~ returns with new DressUp abilities!
Let's create a new and empowered field with the ability to call units back out from drop!
Nation: Lyrical Monasterio
Constellate Solace, Mediell
Mystical Night, LukclunaCheck out these featured cards!
A super powerful ability that lets you call units out from drop and give them an additional Critical!
If you pair this together with "Heartsome Smile, Noelia", you will get to call not one, but two cards with an additonal Critical out from drop!
Attack progressively by gathering 2 units wtih 2 Critical and powering up your front row units!
A support card that can search out combo cards that maximises Mediell's ability!
Collect "Dearly Flowers, Alise" cards in your drop and "Heartsome Smile, Noelia" cards in your hand!