
Update Date Product Name Card Number Card Name
02/24/2025 PR cards D-PR/725EN, D-PR/726EN Variance Ray Dragon
01/26/2025 Cardfight!! Vanguard Special Series 03: Stride Deckset -Nightrose-, Cardfight!! Vanguard Special Series 03: Stride Deckset -Nightrose- PREMIUM DZ-SS03/017EN-R Mist Phantasm Pirate King, Nightrose
01/26/2025 Cardfight!! Vanguard Special Series 02: Stride Deckset -Harri-, Cardfight!! Vanguard Special Series 02: Stride Deckset -Harri- PREMIUM DZ-SS02/017EN-R Dragon Masquerade, Harri
01/24/2025 Booster Pack 06: Generation Dragenesis DZ-BT06/093EN Gigantic Render
01/24/2025 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/074EN, D-BT05/H35EN Gigantic Beater
01/24/2025 Booster Pack 01: Fated Clash DZ-BT01/063EN, DZ-BT01/FR29EN Gigantic Masher
10/04/2024 PR cards BCS2425/VGS01 Ancestral Dragon King of Zenith Colors, Founaherdio
10/04/2024 PR cards BCS2425/VGS02 Great Dragon Emperor of Distant Blaze, Gidoradevalt
10/01/2024 PR cards D-PR/562EN, D-PR/563EN Craggy Beast, Girgrand
09/12/2024 Booster Pack 02: A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/043EN, D-BT02/H26EN Moment of Capture! Aurora Battle Princess 24-hr Coverage!
08/21/2024 Special Series: Festival Booster 2024 DZ-SS01/Re31EN Refresh Time, Portia
07/16/2024 Special Series: Festival Booster 2024 DZ-SS01/010EN, DZ-SS01/FFR13EN Seasong, Elestino
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/025EN, D-BT05/SP20EN Incorruptible Holy Light, Eufha
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 02: Illusionless Strife DZ-BT02/017EN, DZ-BT02/FFR17EN, DZ-BT02/SR37EN Loving Pink, Francette
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/027EN, D-BT05/SP21EN Lady Healer of the Creaking World
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/034EN, D-BT05/SP22EN Invigorate Sage
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 01: Fated Clash DZ-BT01/016EN, DZ-BT01/SEC04EN, DZ-BT01/FFR16EN, DZ-BT01/SR36EN Fated One of Ever-changing, Krysrain
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 01: Fated Clash DZ-BT01/017EN, DZ-BT01/FFR17EN, DZ-BT01/SR37EN Innocent Orange, Annes
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/022EN, D-BT05/SP19EN Stealth Fiend, Amaviera
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 02: A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/089EN Cardinal Prima, Altepo
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 02: Illusionless Strife DZ-BT02/016EN, DZ-BT02/FFR16EN, DZ-BT02/SR36EN FL∀MMe-Glam, Rougia
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 05: Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes D-BT05/037EN, D-BT05/SP23EN Zypsophila Fairy, Asher
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 01: Fated Clash DZ-BT01/073EN, DZ-BT01/FR47EN Hasty Loafer, Niina
07/10/2024 Booster Pack 01: Fated Clash DZ-BT01/050EN, DZ-BT01/FR44EN, DZ-BT01/SR42EN Cynical Composer, Raum
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