
Update Date Product Name Card Number Card Name
10/06/2023 Booster Pack 12: Evenfall Onslaught D-BT12/042EN Diabolos Tailbacker, Derek
10/06/2023 Booster Pack 12: Evenfall Onslaught D-BT12/041EN, D-BT12/FR12EN Cannonfire Bullet Rain Colossus
10/06/2023 Booster Pack 12: Evenfall Onslaught D-BT12/023EN, D-BT12/FR11EN Ruin Collector
09/19/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/SECP02EN Greed Dominator, Arvali
09/19/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/SECP01EN Stealth Fiend, Kodama
09/19/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/SECP05EN Love Song Flower Maiden, Lilialia
09/19/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/SECP04EN Divine Knight of White Streaks, Rumesgard
09/19/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/SECP03EN Cosmic Battler, Norrsken
09/18/2023 G Booster Pack Vol. 5: Moonlit Dragonfang, Special Series 09 “Revival Selection” G-BT05/103EN, V-SS09/126EN Steam Battler, Ur-Watar
09/18/2023 overDress Booster Pack 04: Awakening of Chakrabarthi D-BT04/095EN Aurora Battle Princess, Riot Beeble
09/18/2023 Booster Pack 11: Clash of the Heroes D-BT11/080EN Shoveling Conversion, Bulldograder
09/18/2023 PR cards D-PR/009EN Dragritter, Hardy
08/22/2023 Extra Booster 01: The Destructive Roar V-EB01/061EN Jocular Cicada
08/15/2023 PR cards D-PR/247EN Eclipsed Moonlight
08/11/2023 - - Updated ability text of various selected cards
08/11/2023 - - Bringer of Dreams, Belenus and 23 other cards
08/11/2023 - - Remedy Angel and 23 other cards
03/02/2023 Booster Pack 02: A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/025EN, D-BT02/SP25EN Wild Intelligence
03/02/2023 Booster Pack 06: Blazing Dragon Reborn D-BT06/014EN, D-BT06/FFR14EN Performing Petal, Diantha
03/02/2023 Booster Pack 08: Minerva Rising D-BT08/011EN, D-BT08/FFR11EN Undoubting Flame Sword, Radylina
03/02/2023 Booster Pack 08: Minerva Rising D-BT08/041EN, D-BT08/FR14EN Hurry and Join, Silver Thorn Servants
03/02/2023 Booster Pack 08: Minerva Rising D-BT08/053EN, D-BT08/FR35EN Judgment Maelstrom
03/02/2023 Title Booster 02: Record of Ragnarok D-TB02/017EN, D-TB02/RGR17EN, D-TB02/SP12EN Fourth Valkyrie Sister, Randgriz
03/02/2023 Title Booster 02: Record of Ragnarok D-TB02/019EN, D-TB02/RGR19EN, D-TB02/SP14EN Second Valkyrie Sister, Hrist
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