
Update Date Product Name Card Number Card Name
12/10/2021 Infinideity Cradle, The Astral Force, BCS2019 PR V-BT07/002EN, V-BT07/SV02EN, V-EB13/SSR04EN, BCS2019/VGS05 Quaking Heavenly Dragon, Astraios Dragon
12/10/2021 Shinemon Nitta, The Astral Force V-TD09/001EN, V-TD09/S01EN, V-EB13/SSR03EN Gleaming Lord, Uranus
12/09/2021 Divine Lightning Radiance V-BT12/045EN Isolation Eradicator, Nusku
12/09/2021 Divine Lightning Radiance V-BT12/043EN Eradicator, Spark Raze Dragon
12/03/2021 A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/108EN Shieldfisher Dragon
11/29/2021 V Clan Collection Vol.1 D-VS01/002EN Blaster Blade Seeker
11/23/2021 V Clan Collection Vol.2 D-VS02/035EN Darting Dragon, Blueprint
11/23/2021 V Clan Collection Vol.2 D-VS02/006EN Black Aculeus, Japhkiel
11/18/2021 Lyrical Melody D-LBT01/040EN Mystic Voice, Renata
11/18/2021 Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger-, Festival Collection 2021, A Brush with the Legends D-SD02/001EN, D-SS01/SP07EN, D-BT02/DSR01EN Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce
07/27/2021 A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/072EN Unbreakable Ice Pillar, Jebinna
07/19/2021 A Brush with the Legends D-BT02/006EN Aurora Battle Princess, Perio Turquoise
07/12/2021 Divine Lightning Radiance V-BT12/071EN Spring Source Witch, Ficsis
07/12/2021 Divine Lightning Radiance V-BT12/038EN White Rainbow Witch, Pyrethra
05/17/2021 Genesis of the Five Greats D-BT01/038EN Granaroad Fairtigar
05/17/2021 Genesis of the Five Greats D-BT01/015EN, D-BT01/SP15EN Steam Battler, Gungnram
05/17/2021 Genesis of the Five Greats D-BT01/025EN, D-BT01/SP25EN Source Dragon Deity of Blessings, Blessfavor
04/13/2021 Clan Selection Plus Vol.2 V-SS08/044EN Devourer of Planets, Zeal
03/05/2021 BanG Dream! FILM LIVE V-GM2/0079EN Imaginary Gift:Force
03/05/2021 BanG Dream! FILM LIVE V-GM/0134EN Imaginary Gift:Force
03/05/2021 BanG Dream! FILM LIVE V-PR/0183EN Quick Shield
02/02/2021 The Mysterious Fortune V-EB10/061EN Sergeant Malnasu
01/29/2021 Shinemon Nitta, etc. V-TD09/016EN, V-BT07/SSR01EN, V-EB13/SSR01EN, V-BT12/ASR01EN Giant Deity of Distant World, Valkerion
01/25/2021 Twinkle Melody V-EB15/ASR01EN Happiness Heart, Lupina
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