
Update Date Product Name Card Number Card Name
12/16/2019 The Mysterious Fortune V-EB10/005EN, V-EB10/SP02EN Little Battler, Tron
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0051EN Imaginary Gift: Accel
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0050EN Imaginary Gift: Accel
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0049EN Imaginary Gift: Force
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0048EN Imaginary Gift: Force
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0047EN Imaginary Gift: Force
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0046EN Imaginary Gift: Force
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0045EN Imaginary Gift: Force
12/12/2019 Memoir of Vanguard Koshien V-GM2/0044EN Imaginary Gift: Force
09/21/2019 PR V-PR/0088EN Ignite Proposer
09/20/2019 Phantasmal Steed Restoration V-BT06/003EN, SV03EN Samurai Chieftain, HYU-GA
09/10/2019 PR V-PR/0079EN Stealth Dragon, Antenbrand
09/02/2019 PR V-PR/0087EN Lake Maiden, Lien
08/20/2019 Primary Melody V-EB05/024EN Sugary Lordling, Ravoure
08/20/2019 Champions of the Asia Circuit V-EB02/047EN Injury Shade
08/20/2019 Champions of the Asia Circuit V-EB02/027EN Dancing Cutlass
08/20/2019 The Destructive Roar V-EB01/047EN Diabolic Middle Guard
08/20/2019 The Heroic Evolution V-EB07/018EN Destiny Dealer
08/06/2019 The Heroic Evolution V-EB07/063EN Axino Dragon
08/06/2019 The Heroic Evolution V-EB07/060EN Blow Monk of Twin Foot
07/29/2019 Divine Dragon Caper G-BT09/015EN, G-BT09/S10EN Sky Guardian Supreme Dragon, Bulwark Dragon
07/29/2019 Moonlit Dragonfang G-BT05/004EN, G-BT05/S02EN One Who Views the Planet, Globe Magus
07/24/2019 The Heroic Evolution V-EB07/061EN Black Star of Increase, Balerother
07/24/2019 The Heroic Evolution V-EB07/059EN Spinodal Dragon
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