Deckset 01: Jewel Knight Official Guide Top Banner


Adorned with precious gems in their armor, the Jewel Knights are a beacon of hope in United Sanctuary. Introduced in Booster Pack Vol 10: Triumphant Return of the King of Knights, the deck focused on calling out Jewel Knight allies from deck to fill the field! These allies also gained Power easily to hit optimal attacking numbers! With stunning cards like “Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei” and “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome”, it’s no wonder Jewel Knights have remained popular amongst many players!

This archetype received a breath of fresh air with a reimagining during the V series! While they maintained their identity of superior calling their Jewel Knight allies, they also gained abilities that activated when another unit was called over their circles. When another unit is placed on their circle (whether when rode upon or when called over), their abilities grant additional benefits! Initially, this allowed Jewel Knights to serve as an offensive engine in Premium decks; with the release of the V series version of Salome and related support, it was able to fully harness its card pool to become a fully-fledged deck with aggro tools and a finishing combo on Crystaluster and Salome!

Now, we’re introducing a new intricacy into the Jewel Knight archetype with the release of the Jewel Knight Premium Deckset: an updated Stride with a new crest! The aggro potential of the deck flows well with the spike in pressure upon your grade 3 ride up turn! For those unfamiliar with Jewel Knights, here’s a look at the core aspects of the deck with this informative guide!

Deck List

Normal Deck
Card Name Quantity
Leading Jewel Knight, Salome (OG) 2
Leading Jewel Knight, Salome (V) 2
Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei (V) 4
Bracing Angel Ladder 1
Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill (V) 4
Explode Jewel Knight, Laile 3
Magic of Alteration, Turnarr 2
Jewel Knight, Swordmy 2
Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus 4
Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice 4
Calling Jewel Knight, Christine 4
Elementaria Sanctitude 1
Bringer of Dreams, Belenus (OG) 4
Sentflare Dracokid 4
Flash Shield, Iseult (V) 3
Innocent Ray Dragon 4
Spiritual King of Aquatics, Idosfaro 1
Dreaming Jewel Knight, Tiffany (V) 1
G Deck
Card Name
Climax Jewel Knight Lord, Evangeline 4
Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon 2
Divine Knight of Twin Absolutes, Saint of Twin Sword 2
Divine Knight of Triumph, Eulogias 2
Harmonics Messiah 1
Faithful Sacred Staff, Morgause 2
Holy Beast, Divine Maskkgal 2
Mixed Element, Colburn 1
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Grade 3s

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome, Leading Jewel Knight, Salome and Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei

The banner of United Sanctuary is raised high with the return of the original “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome”! When it attacks, if you have four or more Jewel Knight allies, Salome’s Limit Break ability gives itself additional Power and Critical for the battle! Its main phase ability allows you to call any Jewel Knight from deck to the field! At first glance, the original Salome might seem lackluster for the Premium format; with the new crest, this card’s potential is drawn out!

The V series version of Salome has been a mainstay of the Jewel Knight deck since its introduction. After attacking, you can call any number of Jewel Knight cards from hand to your rear-guard circles with units. If three or more cards were called, Salome Stands again! Furthermore, when another unit is placed on Salome’s circle, it gives that unit massive Power and an extra drive! Having great synergy with the Stride, “Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon”, not only does it inherit Salome’s restanding ability, it also benefits from the Power and drive that Salome provides when it was placed! At its best, this combo allows for a double vanguard swing with eight performed drives, alongside the inherent attack extensions from Salome’s overcalling ability.

Another key piece of the deck is “Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei”. After attacking, it calls a grade 2 or less Jewel Knight from deck to the field. If Ashlei is on your vanguard circle, it calls two units instead of one! When another unit is placed on its circle, Ashlei also gives that unit an extra Critical! This card is one of the attack extenders of the deck, calling out impactful Jewel Knights to keep up the pressure! In situations where you can’t find your Salome copies, Ashlei serves as an alternate ride target or a heart card for Crystaluster to inherit abilities!

The banner of United Sanctuary is raised high with the return of the original “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome”! When it attacks, if you have four or more Jewel Knight allies, Salome’s Limit Break ability gives itself additional Power and Critical for the battle! Its main phase ability allows you to call any Jewel Knight from deck to the field! At first glance, the original Salome might seem lackluster for the Premium format; with the new crest, this card’s potential is drawn out!

The V series version of Salome has been a mainstay of the Jewel Knight deck since its introduction. After attacking, you can call any number of Jewel Knight cards from hand to your rear-guard circles with units. If three or more cards were called, Salome Stands again! Furthermore, when another unit is placed on Salome’s circle, it gives that unit massive Power and an extra drive! Having great synergy with the Stride, “Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon”, not only does it inherit Salome’s restanding ability, it also benefits from the Power and drive that Salome provides when it was placed! At its best, this combo allows for a double vanguard swing with eight performed drives, alongside the inherent attack extensions from Salome’s overcalling ability.

Another key piece of the deck is “Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei”. After attacking, it calls a grade 2 or less Jewel Knight from deck to the field. If Ashlei is on your vanguard circle, it calls two units instead of one! When another unit is placed on its circle, Ashlei also gives that unit an extra Critical! This card is one of the attack extenders of the deck, calling out impactful Jewel Knights to keep up the pressure! In situations where you can’t find your Salome copies, Ashlei serves as an alternate ride target or a heart card for Crystaluster to inherit abilities!

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Grade 2s

Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill, Explode Jewel Knight, Laile, Jewel Knight, Swordmy and Magic of Alteration, Turnarr

For the grade 2 lineup, we will first look at “Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill”. When attacking (as a vanguard or a rear-guard), Sybill puts a grade 2 or less card from hand to soul when attacking to draw a card! When another unit is called on the circle Sybill is on, Sybill calls a grade 2 or less Jewel Knight from the top three cards of your deck to the field! Thanks to its cycling and board building capabilities, Sybill tends to be the ideal grade 2 ride target.

Next up is “Explode Jewel Knight, Laile”! When attacking, it recycles two normal units in drop back to deck to Soul-Charge 1 and gains Power! Use this consistently as one of your main attackers and you can ensure your deck will always have Jewel Knight targets to be called from! When another unit is called on the circle Sybill is on, Laile gives the placed unit massive Power, strengthening subsequent attackers in multi-attack sequences.

We’re also running “Jewel Knight, Swordmy”, which when called, calls another grade 1 Jewel Knight from deck to the field! Swordmy excels in setting the field up or extending your multi-attack sequences with Ashlei; you can even use this aggressively in the early game!

There’s also “Magic of Alteration, Turnarr” from D Booster Set 08: Minerva Rising, who’s excellent in keeping your resources up! When she is boosted, if your damage zone has three or more face down cards, she can be put to Soul to Counter-Charge 1!

For the grade 2 lineup, we will first look at “Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill”. When attacking (as a vanguard or a rear-guard), Sybill puts a grade 2 or less card from hand to soul when attacking to draw a card! When another unit is called on the circle Sybill is on, Sybill calls a grade 2 or less Jewel Knight from the top three cards of your deck to the field! Thanks to its cycling and board building capabilities, Sybill tends to be the ideal grade 2 ride target.

Next up is “Explode Jewel Knight, Laile”! When attacking, it recycles two normal units in drop back to deck to Soul-Charge 1 and gains Power! Use this consistently as one of your main attackers and you can ensure your deck will always have Jewel Knight targets to be called from! When another unit is called on the circle Sybill is on, Laile gives the placed unit massive Power, strengthening subsequent attackers in multi-attack sequences.

We’re also running “Jewel Knight, Swordmy”, which when called, calls another grade 1 Jewel Knight from deck to the field! Swordmy excels in setting the field up or extending your multi-attack sequences with Ashlei; you can even use this aggressively in the early game!

There’s also “Magic of Alteration, Turnarr” from D Booster Set 08: Minerva Rising, who’s excellent in keeping your resources up! When she is boosted, if your damage zone has three or more face down cards, she can be put to Soul to Counter-Charge 1!

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Grade 1s

Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice, Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus and Calling Jewel Knight, Christine

Going into the grade 1 lineup of the deck, we will be running a full playset of all showcased cards. For the V series Jewel Knights, “Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice” and “Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus” recycle normal units in drop to Soul-Charge 1, fuelling soul for Ashlei’s multi-attack extensions! The difference lies in their execution – Eunice’s ability activates after boosting, and it can be returned to hand at the end of the ability resolution to retain card advantage. On the other hand, Morvidus activates in the Main Phase. She has a cost of Counter-Blast 1 and recycling a normal unit from your drop, to Soul-Charge 1 and to empower a Jewel Knight of your choosing!

Both cards also have abilities that activate when other units are called on their circles. In Eunice’s case, it retires an enemy ally in the same column as the placed unit, drawing a card if no cards were retired. For Morvidus, it draws a card. Make use of these abilities when riding or calling over them to gain card advantage!

Last but not least is “Calling Jewel Knight, Christine”! When called, if you have three or more other Jewel Knight allies, it Counter-Blasts 1 and reveals a grade 3 from your hand to call a grade 3 Jewel Knight from your deck to the field! At the end of your turn, that called Jewel Knight is returned to your hand! This card comes in handy to fix your ride progression to grade 3, finding original Salome for superior Stride plays or V series Salome for the Crystaluster combo! You can also target Ashlei to set up even more multi-attacks!

Going into the grade 1 lineup of the deck, we will be running a full playset of all showcased cards. For the V series Jewel Knights, “Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice” and “Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus” recycle normal units in drop to Soul-Charge 1, fuelling soul for Ashlei’s multi-attack extensions! The difference lies in their execution – Eunice’s ability activates after boosting, and it can be returned to hand at the end of the ability resolution to retain card advantage. On the other hand, Morvidus activates in the Main Phase. She has a cost of Counter-Blast 1 and recycling a normal unit from your drop, to Soul-Charge 1 and to empower a Jewel Knight of your choosing!

Both cards also have abilities that activate when other units are called on their circles. In Eunice’s case, it retires an enemy ally in the same column as the placed unit, drawing a card if no cards were retired. For Morvidus, it draws a card. Make use of these abilities when riding or calling over them to gain card advantage!

Last but not least is “Calling Jewel Knight, Christine”! When called, if you have three or more other Jewel Knight allies, it Counter-Blasts 1 and reveals a grade 3 from your hand to call a grade 3 Jewel Knight from your deck to the field! At the end of your turn, that called Jewel Knight is returned to your hand! This card comes in handy to fix your ride progression to grade 3, finding original Salome for superior Stride plays or V series Salome for the Crystaluster combo! You can also target Ashlei to set up even more multi-attacks!

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Bringer of Dreams, Belenus and Innocent Ray Dragon

In this list, we will be running copies of the original “Bringer of Dreams, Belenus” from P & V Special Series: History Collection to make use of its card draw when it is revealed for a damage check. If you can find it, make sure to include a full set of this card! Also, be sure to run a full set of Heal Guardians in the deck! Aside from its early game defense, it can be targeted from hand by Christine’s ability to find your key grade 3 Jewel Knights and fix your ride progression!

In this list, we will be running copies of the original “Bringer of Dreams, Belenus” from P & V Special Series: History Collection to make use of its card draw when it is revealed for a damage check. If you can find it, make sure to include a full set of this card! Also, be sure to run a full set of Heal Guardians in the deck! Aside from its early game defense, it can be targeted from hand by Christine’s ability to find your key grade 3 Jewel Knights and fix your ride progression!

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G Zone

Climax Jewel Knight Lord, Evangeline, Leading Jewel Knight, Salome (Crest), Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon and Divine Knight of Twin Absolutes, Saint of Twin Sword

“Climax Jewel Knight Lord, Evangeline” returns to the fray with additional abilities! If you have the original Salome as your vanguard, and you did not generate Imaginary Gifts this fight, Evangeline can Stride during the main phase! Then, you can turn a Jewel Knight card in your G zone face up to get two Force markers and the crest for “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome”!

This crest sets the base Power of your vanguard with the Limit Break ability to 13 000, and allows for Limit Break abilities to be activated even when your damage count is three or less! Additionally, if your heart is “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome” with Limit Break, Evangeline inherits all of your heart’s original abilities, and when those acquired abilities would be used for the first time that turn, its Counter-Blast cost is reduced by 2! This enables a free superior call from Salome’s ACT ability, and gives Evangeline added Power and Critical for a high-powered vanguard attack!

If you have a Jewel Knight heart and three or more Jewel Knight allies, Evangeline’s ACT ability turns a card in your G zone face up to empower all Jewel Knight units with scaling Power according to the number of face up copies of Evangeline in your G zone! With Evangeline’s superior Stride ability already turning another copy of itself face up for the Gift and Crest Generation, it enables a 6000 Power field buff for all Jewel Knights on your first Stride!

After your first Stride with Evangeline, you can go into “Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon” for subsequent turns! This Stride inherits your heart’s abilities, allowing you to utilize your V series vanguards’ impactful abilities! When your opponent would guard from hand, Crystaluster also forces them to guard with three or more cards from hand if you have three or more grade 2 or greater units on the field! With how easy it is to maintain a front row of grade 2 or greater allies, you can guarantee that the guard restriction stays active for the whole combo sequence with V series Salome!

You can also consider Striding into “Divine Knight of Twin Absolutes, Saint of Twin Sword” as an alternate win condition! When attacking while boosted, it Counter-Blasts 1 and flips a card in your G zone face up to call two grade 2 allies from deck to the field! Saint of Twin Sword also empowers allies called from deck with Power scaling with the number of face up cards in your G zone! With Evangeline and Crystaluster quickly flipping up cards in your G zone, this card allows for monstrous multi-attacks!

“Climax Jewel Knight Lord, Evangeline” returns to the fray with additional abilities! If you have the original Salome as your vanguard, and you did not generate Imaginary Gifts this fight, Evangeline can Stride during the main phase! Then, you can turn a Jewel Knight card in your G zone face up to get two Force markers and the crest for “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome”!

This crest sets the base Power of your vanguard with the Limit Break ability to 13 000, and allows for Limit Break abilities to be activated even when your damage count is three or less! Additionally, if your heart is “Leading Jewel Knight, Salome” with Limit Break, Evangeline inherits all of your heart’s original abilities, and when those acquired abilities would be used for the first time that turn, its Counter-Blast cost is reduced by 2! This enables a free superior call from Salome’s ACT ability, and gives Evangeline added Power and Critical for a high-powered vanguard attack!

If you have a Jewel Knight heart and three or more Jewel Knight allies, Evangeline’s ACT ability turns a card in your G zone face up to empower all Jewel Knight units with scaling Power according to the number of face up copies of Evangeline in your G zone! With Evangeline’s superior Stride ability already turning another copy of itself face up for the Gift and Crest Generation, it enables a 6000 Power field buff for all Jewel Knights on your first Stride!

After your first Stride with Evangeline, you can go into “Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon” for subsequent turns! This Stride inherits your heart’s abilities, allowing you to utilize your V series vanguards’ impactful abilities! When your opponent would guard from hand, Crystaluster also forces them to guard with three or more cards from hand if you have three or more grade 2 or greater units on the field! With how easy it is to maintain a front row of grade 2 or greater allies, you can guarantee that the guard restriction stays active for the whole combo sequence with V series Salome!

You can also consider Striding into “Divine Knight of Twin Absolutes, Saint of Twin Sword” as an alternate win condition! When attacking while boosted, it Counter-Blasts 1 and flips a card in your G zone face up to call two grade 2 allies from deck to the field! Saint of Twin Sword also empowers allies called from deck with Power scaling with the number of face up cards in your G zone! With Evangeline and Crystaluster quickly flipping up cards in your G zone, this card allows for monstrous multi-attacks!

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Faithful Sacred Staff, Morgause, Holy Beast, Divine Maskkgal and Mixed Element, Colburn

Filling out the rest of the G zone are our G-Guardians! When called, “Faithful Sacred Staff, Morgause” strengthens the defensive potential of a grade 2 ally, giving it extra Shield and the ability to nullify an attack when it intercepts! Use this to overcome big attacks with sentinel restrictions!

There’s also “Holy Beast, Divine Maskkgal” to consider! When called while you have a front row ally, it flips another G-Guardian in your G zone face up to become a tanky defender! Lastly, you can use “Mixed Element, Colburn” against your opponent’s vanguard attack, as it gains Shield scaling with every two cards in your opponent’s hand!

Filling out the rest of the G zone are our G-Guardians! When called, “Faithful Sacred Staff, Morgause” strengthens the defensive potential of a grade 2 ally, giving it extra Shield and the ability to nullify an attack when it intercepts! Use this to overcome big attacks with sentinel restrictions!

There’s also “Holy Beast, Divine Maskkgal” to consider! When called while you have a front row ally, it flips another G-Guardian in your G zone face up to become a tanky defender! Lastly, you can use “Mixed Element, Colburn” against your opponent’s vanguard attack, as it gains Shield scaling with every two cards in your opponent’s hand!

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Other Options

Divine Knight of Triumph, Eulogias, Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei “Яeverse” and Amulet Pure Eagle

“Divine Knight of Triumph, Eulogias” is another Stride option to look into! When attacking, it draws cards according to the number of your rear-guards, then calls cards from hand to the field according to the cards drawn! If you have five or more rear-guards, you generate a Force marker! Since you’ll inevitably call over some units, Eulogias can be used together with V series Jewel Knight cards to gain card advantage or add pressure to your new attackers upon its activation!

Players have previously run “Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei “Яeverse”” in their decks. By locking an ally during the main phase, Ashlei “Яeverse” calls a Jewel Knight from the top four cards of your deck to the field! This ability can be used multiple times in a turn, so you can easily build up a board with little to no cost! When it attacks while you have two or more locked cards, Ashlei “Яeverse” calls two grade 2 or less Jewel Knight allies from deck to the field, and this unit gains Power for each locked card on your board! If you have three or more locked cards, your opponent cannot guard with sentinels from hand for that battle! While Ashlei “Яeverse”’s offensive prowess is supreme, it sacrifices the multi-attack potential that Jewel Knights can perform in Premium. As such, it tends to be used as a strong grade 3 ride to put your opponent to high damage, before finishing the game the next turn with a Crystaluster play.

When your vanguard attacks, put “Amulet Pure Eagle” into the soul to draw a card, and to empower your vanguard! Do keep in mind that this card is restricted to Generation Break 1. You could consider running 1-2 copies of this if you please.

“Divine Knight of Triumph, Eulogias” is another Stride option to look into! When attacking, it draws cards according to the number of your rear-guards, then calls cards from hand to the field according to the cards drawn! If you have five or more rear-guards, you generate a Force marker! Since you’ll inevitably call over some units, Eulogias can be used together with V series Jewel Knight cards to gain card advantage or add pressure to your new attackers upon its activation!

Players have previously run “Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei “Яeverse”” in their decks. By locking an ally during the main phase, Ashlei “Яeverse” calls a Jewel Knight from the top four cards of your deck to the field! This ability can be used multiple times in a turn, so you can easily build up a board with little to no cost! When it attacks while you have two or more locked cards, Ashlei “Яeverse” calls two grade 2 or less Jewel Knight allies from deck to the field, and this unit gains Power for each locked card on your board! If you have three or more locked cards, your opponent cannot guard with sentinels from hand for that battle! While Ashlei “Яeverse”’s offensive prowess is supreme, it sacrifices the multi-attack potential that Jewel Knights can perform in Premium. As such, it tends to be used as a strong grade 3 ride to put your opponent to high damage, before finishing the game the next turn with a Crystaluster play.

When your vanguard attacks, put “Amulet Pure Eagle” into the soul to draw a card, and to empower your vanguard! Do keep in mind that this card is restricted to Generation Break 1. You could consider running 1-2 copies of this if you please.

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Game Plan

Opening Hand

Finding these cards in your opening hand would be most ideal for a smoother early game and setup for your combo turns.

Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice and Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus

– Eunice or Morvidus as your grade 1 ride targets as they will generate card advantage when rode upon

– Eunice or Morvidus as your grade 1 ride targets as they will generate card advantage when rode upon

Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill

– Sybill as the main grade 2 ride target for its cycle when attacking and board building when rode upon

Sybill as the main grade 2 ride target for its cycle when attacking and board building when rode upon

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome

– It would be good to see the original Salome in hand to guarantee the superior Stride play, though you can always draw into it or utilize Christine to find it in the early game

– It would be good to see the original Salome in hand to guarantee the superior Stride play, though you can always draw into it or utilize Christine to find it in the early game

Calling Jewel Knight, Christine

– A copy of Christine would be great for an even stronger early game with Ashlei OR set up your grade 3 ride target
– Another grade 2 or less Jewel Knight to be called down for the rush potential.
– If you can ensure a strong early game with your Jewel Knights and a way to superior Stride Evangeline on your grade 3 ride up turn, the odds of victory will be in your favor!

– A copy of Christine would be great for an even stronger early game with Ashlei OR set up your grade 3 ride target
– Another grade 2 or less Jewel Knight to be called down for the rush potential.
– If you can ensure a strong early game with your Jewel Knights and a way to superior Stride Evangeline on your grade 3 ride up turn, the odds of victory will be in your favor!

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Riding to Grade 1

Fruiting Jewel Knight, Eunice and Charging Jewel Knight, Morvidus

As mentioned, you’ll want to ride into Christine or Eunice to make use of their abilities when rode upon. Going second, you don’t need to commit as much to the board, since you can easily compensate with greater pressure on your grade 2 turn.

As mentioned, you’ll want to ride into Christine or Eunice to make use of their abilities when rode upon. Going second, you don’t need to commit as much to the board, since you can easily compensate with greater pressure on your grade 2 turn.

Riding to Grade 2

Dogmatize Jewel Knight, Sybill

After riding into Sybill, you can make plays according to the damage that you received from your opponent. If you have any Jewel Knight allies in hand, don’t hesitate to call them down as they can be recycled back to deck with other abilities! Make use of Christine and Swordmy to swarm your board without committing cards from hand!

After riding into Sybill, you can make plays according to the damage that you received from your opponent. If you have any Jewel Knight allies in hand, don’t hesitate to call them down as they can be recycled back to deck with other abilities! Make use of Christine and Swordmy to swarm your board without committing cards from hand!

Riding to Grade 3

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome and Climax Jewel Knight Lord, Evangeline

A ride progression into original Salome will enable the superior Stride play with Evangeline! When choosing your gift type, Force 2 can be considered if you’re already ahead in terms of damage (especially going first). Otherwise, Force 1 should be used to ensure stable attacking columns, even during subsequent turns with Crystaluster.

A ride progression into original Salome will enable the superior Stride play with Evangeline! When choosing your gift type, Force 2 can be considered if you’re already ahead in terms of damage (especially going first). Otherwise, Force 1 should be used to ensure stable attacking columns, even during subsequent turns with Crystaluster.

Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei and Explode Jewel Knight, Laile

Proceed afterwards to set up your board with key Jewel Knight attackers like Ashlei and Laile! Then, use Evangeline’s global buff on all Jewel Knights! You can choose to attack with your front row unboosted, before using Ashlei to replace your front row attackers that can be boosted by your buffed back row.

Proceed afterwards to set up your board with key Jewel Knight attackers like Ashlei and Laile! Then, use Evangeline’s global buff on all Jewel Knights! You can choose to attack with your front row unboosted, before using Ashlei to replace your front row attackers that can be boosted by your buffed back row.

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome and Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon

After your first Stride with Evangeline, you can ramp up the snowballing pressure on your following turn by riding V series Salome and Striding Crystaluster! This grants you access to a quadruple drive restanding Crystaluster with guard restrictions! If you can’t find your V series Salome, you can always Stride into Evangeline again for an even stronger global buff, or utilize Saint of Twin Sword for its multi-attack setup and board buffing. As the game progresses, call Turnarr as a frontline attacker to keep your Counter-Blasts and Soul-Blasts resources in check!

After your first Stride with Evangeline, you can ramp up the snowballing pressure on your following turn by riding V series Salome and Striding Crystaluster! This grants you access to a quadruple drive restanding Crystaluster with guard restrictions! If you can’t find your V series Salome, you can always Stride into Evangeline again for an even stronger global buff, or utilize Saint of Twin Sword for its multi-attack setup and board buffing. As the game progresses, call Turnarr as a frontline attacker to keep your Counter-Blasts and Soul-Blasts resources in check!

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With your constant aggression, it might be difficult to maintain a large hand outside of V series Salome and Crystaluster plays, so being efficient with your board setup and guarding in the early game can make a huge difference in successfully defending against your opponent’s counterattack.

Faithful Sacred Staff, Morgause, Holy Beast, Divine Maskkgal and Mixed Element, Colburn

– Since your G-Guardians gain massive Shield, use them to one-card guard attacks and save your sentinels and trigger units for other battles.
– Use Morgause to deal with high Power sentinel restricted attacks.
– While taking more damage in the early game allows you to respond with Swordmy and Christine, it might be harder to deal with the stronger attacks in the late game. Mapping the damage you need at every point in the game is key.

– Since your G-Guardians gain massive Shield, use them to one-card guard attacks and save your sentinels and trigger units for other battles.
– Use Morgause to deal with high Power sentinel restricted attacks.
– While taking more damage in the early game allows you to respond with Swordmy and Christine, it might be harder to deal with the stronger attacks in the late game. Mapping the damage you need at every point in the game is key.

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Notable Matchups

Link Joker: With your Jewel Knights being locked out on their circles, you can’t take advantage of the deck’s multi-attacks. You can mitigate this with Ashlei “Яeverse”, as its vanguard attack simply gets stronger with more locked cards on the board. Bracing Angel Ladder would be the most effective way to deal with this matchup.

Megacolony: Like Link Joker, this clan can be an annoyance to deal with, since the Stride “Guilty Empress, Gredora” can completely prevent your multi-attacks from deck. Outputting early aggression will help in preventing Megacolony from stabilizing in the game. Additionally, V series Salome and Eulogias are inherent counters against the Stride, as their superior calls occur from hand instead!

Neo Nectar: This clan’s ability to produce Plant tokens on demand that gain massive Power from Katrina and Cycloned is unparalleled. With strong early game offense, access to Honoly and a means to end the opponent’s turn prematurely, Neo Nectar cannot be underestimated. Use your early advantage on grade 2 and 3 to consistently pressure damage, and try to end the game on Evangeline or Crystaluster on turns 3 and 4 before Neo Nectar scales out of control.

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Jewel Knights have always been a popular pick amongst many veteran players, especially with its revitalization in the V series with its unique mechanic. With this buff to its offensive output, you can be certain that this deck will make a statement in the Premium scene! We hope that this information on the deck will help you to better upgrade the Premium Deckset!

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