Special Series 05: Festival Booster 2023 is the fifth Special Series for Cardfight!! Vanguard. Support for the Ride Lines from Lyrical Booster 1, as well as new Sentinel and Regalia Piece cards are featured in this set for players to look forward to!
Get some benediction with these featured cards!

Holy Egg Festival Praxis Committee Chief, Clarissa
The committee chief is here to spread Holy Egg Festival Blessings!
Secure your persona ride with the Dress Up ability and it’ll help you gain even further advantage with Clarissa’s abilities! Retrieve the powerful “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!” order card by just Soul-Blasting 1 if you persona rode this turn!
The blessings don’t stop there with two draw and Power increases for all of your “Earnescorrect” rear-guards on Clarissa’s attack!

Holy-angel of Blessings, Alestiel
The holy-angel descends to call upon more cards for more attacks!
Call a card with the Black Wings ability from your deck if you’re in Black Wings or ride an “Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel” card from deck or hand if you’re in White Wings!

Sing with Me, Loronerol
Loronerol is back better than ever!
Calling out grade 3 units from the top five cards of your deck is sufficiently strong on its own, but how about singing a Song from your order zone, an additional drive, and disallowing your opponents to call sentinels from hand on top of that?!
The blessings don’t stop there with two draw and Power increases for all of your “Earnescorrect” rear-guards on Clarissa’s attack!

Rondo of Plenilune, Feltyrosa
Being a vampire doesn’t mean you can’t be cute!
Gain overwhelming advantage with extra Drive when you call either a normal Ghost unit or a grade 3 “Feltyrosa” card revealed in your drive check!
Attain an absurd amount of Power for your front row Ghost rear-guards as well as long as a “Feltyrosa” grade 3 card is in your soul!

Festimagica, Wilista
Wilista shines the brightest even in easter clothes!
Call up to two unit cards from the top five cards of your deck if you Soul-Blast an “Everlasting Sapphire” or go for an overwhelming 15000 Power boost if you Soul-Blast a “Truehearted Ruby” instead! With the new card, “Crossing Illumirays”, you’ll be able to get both effects on top of extra Power and re-standing a rear-guard!
New Regalis Piece cards!
Festival Booster 2023 also has new Regalis Piece cards to hard-boil your gameplay!
Amp up your decks with cards like “Forbidoll Surrogate” which calls grade 3 cards and puts grade 4 cards into hand, or “Evergreen Transphere” which gives a chosen unit a whooping 25000 Power and your vanguard the ability to reduce your opponent’s unit’s critical!
New Over Triggers!
It doesn’t stop there! Festival Booster 2023 also comes with new generic Over Triggers!
Choose between Valnout and Idosfaro, two over triggers that grants overwhelming advantages in your fights for your decks!
Valnout grants one of your rear-guards the ability to restand or draw a card and call a unit from hand! On the other hand, Idosfaro allows you to retrieve a card from drop and grants an extra Critical to one of your units!
Featured FFRs!
We can’t forget about the Double Frame Rare (FFR) too! This time, we have the grade 3 Lyrical Monasterio units with different facial expressions from their RRR counterparts!