CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Start Deck 01: Yu-yu Kondo -Holy Dragon-

Release Date | May 14th, 2021 |
Featured Nations | Dragon Empire |
Card Types | 15 types of cards (15 new cards, inclusive of 1 type of 1 holo card) |
Others | 1 pre-constructed Start Deck contains 50 cards 1 display contains 8 decks Play Sheet ※Specifications subject to changes |
Featuring Dragon and Blazing Maiden Units
Let your allies evolve and fight!
Great value!
Start your new journey right on Planet Cray! Each Start Deck will be affordably priced at USD$3.99 (MSRP) each!
New units revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
Note: Only “Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana” (featured in the middle) will be included in this product. For the other two units, please check out Start Deck 02: Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger- and Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler- respectively!
Note: The unrevealed unit (featured on the right) will be available in Booster Pack 01: Genesis of the Five Greats!
English Edition cards coming soon!
Card list revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
New mechanic – the Ride Deck!
Prepare a Ride Deck of 4 pieces from this Start Deck consisting of 1 unit of each grade (0~3)!
Guaranteed ride from your Ride Deck during Ride Phase!
New mechanic – the Over Trigger!
A powerful Trigger Unit that each deck can only have 1 piece of! Your unit gets Power +100 Million when it is revealed as a trigger! It has additional effects when revealed during drive check as well!
Make a comeback when you’re in a pinch with the Over Trigger!
Complete your collection with the other Start Decks!
Start Deck 02: Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger-
Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler-
Start Deck 04: Megumi Okura -Sylvan King-
Start Deck 05: Tomari Seto -Aurora Valkyrie-
Further power up your Start Decks with our Booster Pack too!
Booster Pack 01: Genesis of the Five Greats