CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Start Deck 02: Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger-

Release Date | May 14th, 2021 |
Featured Nations | Dark States |
Card Types | 15 types of cards (15 new cards, inclusive of 1 type of 1 holo card) |
Others | 1 pre-constructed Start Deck contains 50 cards 1 display contains 8 decks Play Sheet ※Specifications subject to changes |
Featuring many Demon Units
Accumulate your power for a decisive shot!
Great value!
Start your new journey right on Planet Cray! Each Start Deck will be affordably priced at USD$3.99 (MSRP) each!
New units revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
Note: Only “Diabolos, “Violence” Bruce” (featured on the left) will be included in this product. For the other two units, please check out Start Deck 01: Yu-yu Kondo -Holy Dragon- and Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler- respectively!
English Edition cards coming soon!
Card list revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
New mechanic – the Ride Deck!
Prepare a Ride Deck of 4 pieces from this Start Deck consisting of 1 unit of each grade (0~3)!
Guaranteed ride from your Ride Deck during Ride Phase!
New mechanic – the Over Trigger!
A powerful Trigger Unit that each deck can only have 1 piece of! Your unit gets Power +100 Million when it is revealed as a trigger! It has additional effects when revealed during drive check as well!
Make a comeback when you’re in a pinch with the Over Trigger!
Complete your collection with the other Start Decks!
Start Deck 01: Yu-yu Kondo -Holy Dragon-
Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler-
Start Deck 04: Megumi Okura -Sylvan King-
Start Deck 05: Tomari Seto -Aurora Valkyrie-
Further power up your Start Decks with our Booster Pack too!
Booster Pack 01: Genesis of the Five Greats