Cardfight!! Vanguard Title Trial Deck 02 “Record of Ragnarok”

Release Date | July 15th, 2022 |
Featured Title | Record of Ragnarok |
Card Types | 15 types of cards (15 new cards, inclusive of 1 type of RRR holo card) + 16 types of parallels (SP: 1 type / RGR: 15 types) |
Others | 1 pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards 1 display contains 6 decks 1 carton contains 8 displays 2 Power Counters Playsheet First Guide |
“Record of Ragnarok” × “CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress”!
Joining the “CARDFIGHT VANGUARD overDress” series as a collaboration title,
“Record of Ragnarok” enters the fray with the simultaneous release of a Trial Deck and Booster Pack!
Sound the horn to herald the start of the final battle between god and man in the world of Vanguard!
Starting out in Cardfight!! Vanguard with a “Record of Ragnarok” deck? Look no further!
We have prepared special page for you with various tips and tricks!
Check the banner below for more details!
©Azychika, Shinya Umemura, Takumi Fukui/Coamix, Ragnarok Project