Cardfight!! Vanguard Premium Deckset “Revenger”

Release Date | July 12th, 2024 |
Featured Clans | Shadow Paladin |
Card Types | 77 Cards [Main Deck: 50 Cards, G Deck: 16 Cards, Others (Markers etc.): 11 Cards] |
Others | 1 Deckset contains: ・1 Pre-constructed Deck (77 Cards) [Main Deck: 50 Cards, G Deck: 16 Cards, Others (Markers etc.): 11 Cards] ・1 Short Storage Box ・1 Deck Holder ※This constructed deck can only be played in the Premium format, and cannot be played in the Standard format. ※Some of the cards reprinted in these decks can be used in the Standard and/or V-Premium formats. |
Playable decksets for Premium have arrived! Fighters can take part in the Premium format immediately with these decks!
With “Revenger, Raging Form Dragon” at the forefront, only normal units with “Revenger” in their card names are reprinted in this deck!
Check out the list of cards available in this deck!
One Stride unit for each deckset will be updated in their reprint and powered up!
Featuring “True Revenger, Raging Rapt Dragon” for Premium Deckset “Revenger”!
Various trigger cards that can’t be missed for a Premium format deck are also reprinted!