Extra Booster Pack Vol.08: Champions of the Cosmos

Release Date | June 6th, 2014 |
Featured Clans | Nova Grappler |
Card Types | 1 pack contains 5 random cards 1 display contains 15 packs 35 types of cards (RRR: 3/ RR: 5/ R: 8/ C: 19) + SP: 4 (Parallel) Contains 18 exclusive cards and 17 reprint cards 1 card in every pack will definitely be an R or above card!! |
Campaign | Each display will contain 1 PR card, [PR/0099EN Shining Lady] as a box topper** |
Fight for the galaxy with VGE-EB08: Champions of the Cosmos!
This <<Nova Grappler>> expansion set contains long-awaited updates for the popular [Blau] deck with all-new mechanics and abilities for the quick-minded <<Nova Grappler>> player! This set also provides new cards and upgrades for classic decks to enhance their collection!
[PR/0099EN Shining Lady]