Cardfight!! Vanguard G Booster Pack Vol. 6: Transcension of Blade & Blossom

Release Date | March 25, 2016 |
Featured Clans | Royal Paladin, Neo Nectar, Nova Grappler |
Card Types | 109 types of cards [103 new cards / 6 reissue cards] (GR: 2 / RRR: 8 / RR: 12 / R: 22 / C: 60) + SP: 12 [12 Parallel] + SCR (Secret Rare): 5 [5 reissue cards] |
Others | 1 pack contains 5 random cards 1 display contains 30 packs |
Take flight and transcend to greater heights!
VGE-G-BT06 [Transcension of Blade & Blossom] features the new trump cards for Shion and Tokoha, as they rise above the challenges that stand in their way!
Also featuring cards that boost the VGE-G-TD08 [Vampire Princess of the Nether Hour] Trial Deck that releases together.
Furthermore, look out for the 5 new Secret Rare cards, including a very popular <<Shadow Paladin>> Legion pair!
Highly popular <<Royal Paladin>>, <<Neo Nectar>> and <<Nova Grappler>> units with new illustrations will also be included!
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