Cardfight!! Vanguard G Clan Booster Vol. 2: Commander of the Incessant Waves

Release Date | December 11th, 2015 |
Featured Clans | Aqua Force |
Card Types | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 12 packs 40 types of cards (GR: 1 / RRR: 4 / RR: 7 / R: 12 / C: 16) + SP: 6 [5 Parallel + 1 Reissue (different illustration)] Every pack will definitely have one R, and an additional R or above! |
Command the stormy seas with the <<Aqua Force>> Clan Booster [Commander of the Incessant Waves]!!
This Clan Booster will feature Jaime’s trump card, along with other cards with the new “Wave” ability! Cards that power up older <<Aqua Force>> decks will also be included!
Battle alongside with your allies and conquer the seas as well as the battle!