Cardfight!! Vanguard G Clan Booster Vol. 5: Prismatic Divas

Release Date | July 21th, 2017 |
Featured Clans | Bermuda Triangle |
Card Types | 60 types of cards 57 new cards / 3 reissue cards (GR: 2 / RRR: 7 / RR: 10 / R: 18 / C: 23) + SP: 16 [16 Parallel] + Special Reissue: 3 (+ SP: 49 [From SP Clan Pack]) 1 card in every pack will definitely be an R or above card!! ※“White” and“ Black” versions of the illustration exist for some cards.(Same card name and ability) |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 12 packs |
Campaign | Popular “SP Clan Pack”! 7 types of clan packs for 7 different idols and themes. “Chouchou”(new theme) “Pacifica” “Riviere” “Lauris” “Raindear” “Coral” “Duo”※ ※“White” and“ Black” versions of the clan packs exist for “Duo”. Bushiroad 10th Anniversary Campaign 1 Rubber Playmat in each carton! (1 design only) |
[VGE-G-CB05] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Clan Booster Vol. 5: Prismatic Divas
It’s time to raise the curtains on the [Prismatic Divas] Clan Booster!
The illustrations of these cute mermaids are so popular! A booster exclusively for «Bermuda Triangle» makes its appearance this year too!
A new theme and many popular mermaids with new illustrations are featured for this release!
Furthermore, all SP cards feature the swimsuit illustrations of the units!
The popular SP Clan pack is featured in this product too!
A powerful new theme “Chouchou” deck can be constructed together with the [Debut of the Divas] Trial Deck released on the same day!
No worries about debuting with «Bermuda Triangle»!
No worries about debuting with «Bermuda Triangle»!