English Edition Cardfight!! Vanguard G Character Booster Vol. 1: TRY3 NEXT

Release Date | March 3, 2017 |
Featured Clans | Gear Chronicle, Royal Paladin, Neo Nectar |
Card Types | 75 types of cards [62 new cards / 13 reissue cards] (GR: 3 / RRR: 6 / RR: 12 / R: 21 / C: 33) + SP: 12 [12 Parallel] + SGR (Super GR): 3 [3 Parallel] + Special Reissue: 9 |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 12 packs 2 cards in every pack will definitely be an R or above card!! |
Here comes the first ever character booster expansion for Cardfight!! Vanguard G!
Trump cards of Chrono Shindou, the protagonist, and his rivals are introduced in this release!
Features many cards that can be used to strengthen «Royal Paladin» “Divine Knight of Heavenly Decree” and «Neo Nectar» “Flower Princess of Abundant Blooming” Trial Decks releasing on February 17th 2017.
Also included are 9 special reissue cards powered up with all new artwork and RRR foil!
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9 types of Special Reissue!! Key cards for decks are reissued with new illustration and RRR treatment!!
The cards to be reissued with new illustration are “Steam Breath Dragon”, “Steam Maiden, Arlim”, “Heart Thump Worker”, “Laurel Knight, Sicilus”, “Holy Knight Guardian”, “Bringer of Dreams, Belenus”, “Valkyrie of Reclamation, Padmini”, “Maiden of Passionflower” and “Flower Garden Maiden, Mylis”.
Strengthen your Trial Deck!
Many cards that can strengthen the [Divine Knight of Heavenly Decree] and [Flower Princess of Abundant Blooming] Trial Decks are available in this booster!
Powering up different decks, New Variants of units featured!!
Featuring “Altmile” and “Ahsha” with new ability and cards that power up “Chronojet”, “Alfred” and “Musketeer” deck!
For every display box, there will be 3 out of 9 random PR reissue cards included! (one of each clan featured)
– Gear Chronicle: “Upstream Dragon”, “Glimmer Breath Dragon”, “Steam Scara, Gigi”.
– Royal Paladin: “Blaster Blade Spirit”, “Knight of Reform, Pir”, “Hope Keeper”
– Neo Nectar: “Lily of the Valley Musketeer, Kaivant”, “Ideal Maiden, Thuria”, “Cherry Blossom Blizzard Maiden, Lilga”
Product Package Printing Error
There is a printing error on the booster pack packaging, under the “Special Reissue!” section.
【Error】・Tick Tock Worker
【Correct】・Heart Thump Worker
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.