Cardfight!! Vanguard G Character Booster Vol. 3: Rummy Labyrinth Under the Moonlight

Release Date | May 12th, 2017 |
Featured Clans | Pale Moon, Granblue |
Card Types | 75 types of cards 60 types of cards [54 new cards / 6 reissue cards] (GR: 2 / RRR: 4 / RR: 8 / R: 16 / C: 30) + SP: 8 [8 Parallel] + SGR (Super GR): 2 [2 Parallel] + Special Reissue: 2 + RLR (Rummy Labyrinth Rare): 2 [2 Parallel] 2 cards in every pack will definitely be an R or above card!! |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 12 packs |
Campaign | Introducing RLR signed cards!! Stand a chance to get a RLR (Rummy Labyrinth Rare) signed card by Haruka Kudo (voice of Luna Yumizuki) or Aimi (voice of Am Chouno)!! hese cards with exclusive treatments will be randomly inserted!! Double-Clan SP Clan Pack A special pack consisting of 3 《Pale Moon》 cards, 3 《Granblue》 cards and 1 special counter will be randomly inserted. |
[VGE-G-CHB03] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Character Booster Vol. 3: Rummy Labyrinth
Under the Moonlight
Here comes the third character booster expansion for Cardfight!! Vanguard G!
Have you been catching up on the latest episodes of Cardfight!! Vanguard G NEXT?
Many cards from the clans used by the idols, Rummy Labyrinth, are featured in this release!!
A whole new deck for the featured clans can be constructed with this release alone!!
Just for this release, a RLR (Rummy Labyrinth Rare) hot-stamp signed card rarity will be introduced!!
Also, SP clan packs for this release will feature 6 SP cards and a special fighter’s counter!!
Units that Power Up a variety of Deck Builds!!
Featuring “Harri” and “Nightrose” with new ability and cards that power up “Nightmare Doll”, “Silver Thorn”, “Seven Seas” and “Ghostie” deck!
Strengthen your Trial Deck!
Many cards that can strengthen the [Illusionist of the Crescent Moon] and [Vampire Princess of the Nether Hour] Trial Decks are available in this booster!