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BWC2015 Continental Championships!
– Winners’ Interview: Part 1
Bushiroad World Championship 2015 (BWC2015) is approaching its end. Over the last two weeks, we have concluded the North America Continental Championship and Europe Continental Championship successfully. This weekend, on December 6, we will have the Continental Championship for Asia-Oceania! Oh yes, don’t forget about the Cardfight!! Vanguard France Replacement Qualifier on December 12.
Here is a list of winners from the Bushiroad World Championship 2015 Continental Championships as well as a few Special Qualifiers. These winners will be invited to Japan to participate in the World Finals on January 9! The Asia-Oceania Continental Championship winners and France Replacement Qualifier champion will join the list soon!
©bushiroad All Rights Reserved. ©Vanguard G2014-2015/TV Tokyo icon:MAMEX
We had the privilege and honor to interview the winners of North America and Europe Continental Championships. First of all, we have Sebastian Teh, who triumphed in the Canada-Vancouver Regional Qualifier, and was eventually crowned champion in the North America Continental Championship.

Sebastian Teh
BWC2015 North America Continental Championship | Deck Recipe
BWC2015 Canada-Vancouver Regional Qualifier | Deck Recipe
First of all, congratulations! How does it feel to be crowned champion at this level, beating other regional champions?
It feels really good. I must be really lucky to be here and to beat a lot of other good players, so it feels really good.
Are you excited to go to Japan?
Yes definitely! I’ve been there before, but this is definitely something different. It is a paid trip first of all, and it will be exciting to meet other people from different continents, like Southeast Asia, Europe etc., and see their skill level.
You said this is not your first time. Have you been there before?
Yeah, I’ve been there before, but just for holidays.
Besides the World Finals, what do you wish to do there?
Probably shopping I guess. I think they’re quite a fashion-forward country, and I will probably be shopping for clothes there. That’s the thing I like.
Is this your first time participating in Bushiroad World Championship? How did you perform in the previous years?
Yes, this is my first time participating in this. I haven’t been playing that often in the past couple of years. I started off with the Set 1, which is the Alfred etc., but later on I came back because of the Lambros. I love Aqua Force and I am an Aqua Force fan. When Lambros came out, I think the deck was busted, so I decided to come back and play the game.
Oh great! So how many years have you been playing the game?
I’ve been playing the game for 2 years approximately, then I stopped for a while before deciding to come back again. This is my first competitive event.
Do you have a favorite card? And why is that?
Definitely Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros is my favorite card. Because it’s broken! I love Aqua Force and it’s broken, it’s actually really broken! When the new Aqua Force comes out, I will be happy to play it again.
Is there anything else do you wish to say about this event?
The event was really good and I think it’s really well sponsored. Thank you for everything, and thanks to Bushiroad for the sponsors. Without them, I don’t think we will have the event today. So definitely a great event, I will say.
Thank you very much for all your time! Is there any last-minute words you want to say to anyone?
Ah yes, thanks to my friends back home that practiced with me and support like deck-side make. Even though some ideas are not that great, they are always supportive of my ideas, and I’m thankful for them. Yah they practiced with me, I’m here and I won!!
Congratulations again for winning the 1st place for Cardfight!! Vanguard. Thank you very much!
Next up, we have Hélène Bourrée, a friendly female Cardfight!! Vanguard player from France. In 2014, she participated in the France Regional Qualifier, advanced to the Europe Continental Championship, and eventually obtained 3rd place! She was subsequently invited to Tokyo in January 2015 for Bushiroad World Championship 2014 World Finals. After a year, she returned, and triumphed in both the United Kingdom Regional Qualifier and Europe Continental Championship!

Hélène Bourrée
BWC2015 Europe Continental Championship | Deck Recipe
BWC2015 United Kingdom Regional Qualifier | Deck Recipe
Congratulations! How does it feel to be crowned champion at this level, beating other regional champions?
Knowing that it’s not my first time participating in these kind of tournaments, it feels good to finally reach the top level! (I usually finish 2nd haha)
Are you excited to go to Japan? Will it be your first time to Japan? Besides the finals, what do you wish to do there?
Yes, of course I am excited.
This will be the second time I go to Japan (the first time was also thanks to Bushiroad). Playing card games to get to Japan is awesome!
I would like to visit Tokyo, try the food and enjoy myself with my friends, who will also go to Japan.
Is this your first time participating in Bushiroad World Championship? How did you perform in the previous years?
No, I came in 2nd last year in France, third in Europe and first in the UK Qualifier in Manchester this year.
Can we know your strategy in winning the games?
I tend to focus more on consistency, playing carefully and being aware of the game state. Basically my deck can do well against all kind of decks, in this format.
Do you have a favorite card? Why?
Lizard Soldier, Conroe. It’s a very good card in Kagero, getting out your important Grade 1s like your Perfect Guard, Lava Flow Dragon and is also useful with its 10k shield.
Anything else you wish to say about the event and the game?
I am really proud to represent UK and France, especially considering what happened in France just recently. I lived in England, so I am really grateful for what I have learned over there from the player community.
I feel proud to represent both countries. I am not particularly favoring one over the other considering what I owe them!
See you in Japan ;)!
Last but not least, let’s conclude this week’s column with another card preview from the upcoming release: Cardfight!! Vanguard G Fighters Collection 2015 Winter.
G-FC02/013EN Steel Blade Shura Stealth Dragon, Hayakujirakan
The cycle of life……that is also the rule of the ninja.
-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them]
this card on your
from face down.
[①] If you have heart card with “Shura Stealth Dragon” in its card name, choose a card at random from your opponent’s hand, and bind it face down. Then, if the number of cards in your opponent’s hand is three or less, bind all your opponent’s rear-guards face up. At the end of that turn, your opponent puts the cards bound with this effect into his or her hand.
G Fighters Collection 2015 Winter
Release Date: January 8, 2016
Next week, we will continue with the interview of the World Championship Asia-Oceania Qualifier champion! Stay tuned!

A Grain Legume Columnist
Peanut. Peanut oil. Peanut butter. Eat peanuts, draw peanuts, write peanuts, code peanuts and play with a white dog. Live on the ground, look into the sky, and hope to bring joy to everyone.

The Cardfighter’s Column publishes every Friday, featuring Cardfight!! Vanguard news, card insights, event updates and more!
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