[BT13]Catastrophic Outbreak

Prison Gate Star-vader, Palladium
Normal Unit
Link Joker
Star Gate
Grade 1
Power 7000
Critical 1
Shield 5000
[AUTO](RC):[Counter-Blast 1 & Put this unit into your soul] During your opponent's end phase, when an opponent's locked card is unlocked, if you have a <Link Joker> vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, lock that unit. (The locked card is turned face down, and cannot do anything. It turns face up at end of the owner's turn.)
You are a prisoner. Don't even think that you can decide on your prison term.
Found in the following Products
05-02-2014 | [BT13]Catastrophic Outbreak | Card List |
[Prison Gate Star-vader, Palladium] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Q&A containing [Prison Gate Star-vader, Palladium] [5 results]
When two cards are unlocked, can I use one of this unit and lock both cards again?No, you cannot. For every unit unlocked, the cost must be paid in full. As the unit will be put to Soul when it is used to pay for the cost, you can only lock 1 card. -
During the end of turn when the effect of this card is used, will the card locked by this card's effect become face up?No, it will not become face up. This is because the timing to put cards face up during end phase has already past. -
When does "When a card unlocks" refer to?It refers to the moment a locked card is returned to face up from a face down position. -
For the cost within the [ ] brackets, does that mean that I can choose to fulfill any condition to pay the cost?No, you must pay both costs. The cost has not been paid if the conditions in the [ ] brackets have not been fufilled. -
What happens when a rear-guard becomes locked?When a rear-guard is being locked, place the unit face down and it becomes locked. At the start of the owner's end phase, that fighter will put all cards that are in locked to face up and stand position. When a unit is locked, it is no longer considered a unit, cannot attack, intercept, move, use [RC] abilities, nor be attacked. Also, that unit will lose effects of abilities.