Card List

[VGE-D-LBT04] Lyrical Booster 04: Lyrical Monasterio ~Trick or Trick!~

Grazing Tails of Many Meetings, Novella
Grazing Tails of Many Meetings, Novella

Normal Unit
Lyrical Monasterio
Grade 3
Power 13000
Critical 1
Twin Drive, Persona Ride
[AUTO](RC):At the end of your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Petralka" in its card name, [COST][put this unit into soul], choose up to two "Relation Weaver, Petralka" from your soul or drop, put one of them on the bottom of the deck, and put the rest into hand.
With you, every day is irreplaceable.

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01-26-2024 [VGE-D-LBT04] Lyrical Booster 04: Lyrical Monasterio ~Trick or Trick!~ Card List Product Page

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