Cardfight!! Vanguard Lyrical Booster 04: Lyrical Monasterio ~Trick or Trick!~

Release Date | January 26th, 2024 |
Featured Nations | Lyrical Monasterio |
Card Types | 94 types of cards (RRR: 16 types / ORR: 1 type / RR: 19 types / R: 21 types / C: 37 types) |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 16 packs Each pack is guaranteed to include 2 foiled cards! |
Introducing the new set for “Lyrical Monasterio“!
New under the spotlight are “Tr!ple×Tr!ck, Fenelle”, “LèVre♡SœurS, Charmout” and “Gorgon Eyes, Siana”!
Build decks for these 3 new ride lines that will take the stage in this volume!
Encounter units available!
Featured Card Reveals!
Tournament Store Boost PR Pack Campaign
Get 1 PR Pack free with your purchase of any 8 packs of English Edition Vanguard products!
Each PR Pack will contain 1 random card, and there are 6 types of cards to collect!
※While stocks last, limited to tournament stores only.
For more details on this campaign, do visit this page.