Card List

[VGE-D-SS05] Special Series 05: Festival Booster 2023

Moon-nestling Fantasia, Adelheid
Moon-nestling Fantasia, Adelheid

Normal Unit
Lyrical Monasterio
Grade 3
Power 13000
Critical 1
Twin Drive, Persona Ride
[CONT](RC)/(GC):If your opponent's drive check or damage check revealed a trigger unit this turn, this unit gets [Power] +10000/[Shield] +10000.
[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked while boosted, [COST][Soul-Blast 1], and perform all of the following.
・Choose one of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and return it to hand.
・[COST][Remove a [Over] trigger from drop], choose up to one unit card with grade less than or equal to your vanguard from your hand, and call it to (RC).

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07-14-2023 [VGE-D-SS05] Special Series 05: Festival Booster 2023 Card List Product Page

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