[VGE-D-VS05] V Special Series 05: V Clan Collection Vol.5

Embodiment of Victory, Aleph
Normal Unit
Dragon Empire
Grade 3
Power 13000
Critical 1
Twin Drive, Force
[ACT](Hand):If your vanguard is "Embodiment of Victory, Aleph" or "Embodiment of Shield, Lahm", [COST][put an "Embodiment of Armor, Bahr" and an "Embodiment of Spear, Tahr" from (RC) into your soul], and ride this card as [Stand].
[AUTO](VC):When your rear-guards with "Embodiment" in their card names attack, increase or decrease that unit's [Power] to match this unit's [Power] until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-Blast 3], and this unit gets [Power] +15000/[Critical] +1/drive +1 until end of turn. Then, [COST][Soul-Blast an "Embodiment of Armor, Bahr" and an "Embodiment of Spear, Tahr"], and [Counter-Charge 3].
[AUTO](VC):When your rear-guards with "Embodiment" in their card names attack, increase or decrease that unit's [Power] to match this unit's [Power] until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-Blast 3], and this unit gets [Power] +15000/[Critical] +1/drive +1 until end of turn. Then, [COST][Soul-Blast an "Embodiment of Armor, Bahr" and an "Embodiment of Spear, Tahr"], and [Counter-Charge 3].
More. My power, my victory, hand it over--! Diabolo Buster!
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