Card List

[VGE-DZ-BT03] Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 03: Dimensional Transcendence

Spark Spike Dragon
Spark Spike Dragon

Normal Unit
Dragon Empire
Thunder Dragon
Grade 1
Power 8000
Critical 1
Shield 5000
[CONT]:If you have a vanguard with only «Narukami» for its clan, this card is only from «Narukami».
[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with only «Narukami» for its clan, all of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit get [Power] +5000. If your vanguard's attack hit two or more times this turn, they get [Power] +10000 instead of +5000.
[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if your vanguard's attack hit two or more times this turn, [COST][Energy-Blast 3], and draw a card.
The voltage's rising!!

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08-30-2024 [VGE-DZ-BT03] Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 03: Dimensional Transcendence Card List Product Page

[Spark Spike Dragon] is used in the follow Deck Recipes

Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD"

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