Gorgon Eyes, Siana
The Siana deck weakens your enemies by restricting their movements with the power of Gorgon Eyes!
This deck empowers itself when there are fewer units in your opponent's front row!
Trap your opponents with tricky mechanics that meddle with your opponents during their turn!
Nation: Lyrical Monasterio
Gorgon Eyes, Siana
Jack o' Parade, TheretheasCheck out these featured cards!
If your opponent's guardian circle and front row rear-guard circles have a total of two or less units, this unit gets Critical +1 and Drive +1!
When this unit is attacked, by putting a trigger unit from hand into soul, this unit gets Power +15000!
At the end of the battle this unit was attacked by a rear-guard, if no cards were put on the guardian circle this battle, your opponent discards a chosen card from hand. If they did not discard a card, bind the rear-guard that attacked!
By using trigger units with low Shield values like draw triggers for Siana's ability, you can essentially activate a super defensive 15000 Shield!
Petrify your opponents with indesiciveness by forcing them to choose between the between the "lesser of two evils" of binding their allies or discarding cards from their hand!
When this unit is placed on a rear-guard circle, return one of your opponent's front row rear-guards to their hand!
When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a "Siana" vanguard, by Counter-Blasting 1, this unit gets Power +5000 for each of your opponent's open front row rear-guard circles! If it gets Power +10000 or greater, draw a card!
Even if it is only your second turn in the game, if your opponent does not have a single rear-guard in their front row, you can attack with a frightening Power 20000 attack and draw cards at the same time!