[VGE-D-LBT04] Lyrical Booster 04: Lyrical Monasterio ~Trick or Trick!~

Prepared for the Heat, Siana
Normal Unit
Lyrical Monasterio
Grade 2
Power 10000
Critical 1
Shield 5000
[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit was attacked by a rear-guard, if no cards were put on (GC) this battle, your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and they may discard it. If they did not discard a card, bind the rear-guard that attacked.
[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a grade 3 card with "Siana" in its card name, choose a trigger unit or blitz order from your drop, and put it into hand.
[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a grade 3 card with "Siana" in its card name, choose a trigger unit or blitz order from your drop, and put it into hand.
Ice cream in this season is the best~!
Found in the following Products
01-26-2024 | [VGE-D-LBT04] Lyrical Booster 04: Lyrical Monasterio ~Trick or Trick!~ | Card List Product Page |
[Prepared for the Heat, Siana] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Gorgon Eyes, Siana |