Deck Recipe

One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass

The One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass deck that becomes stronger the longer times goes by!
Accumulate Energy and work towards manifesting Grandogma!

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One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass

One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass
At the beginning of your main phase, you get "When your opponent's unit is retired from the rear-guard circle or guardian circle, you Energy-Charge 1."
At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, by Energy-Blasting 4, search your deck, hand or drop for up to one "Manifestation of the Great Skyline, Grandogma", ride it as Stand, and it gets Power +15000/Drive -2 until end of turn. If you searched the deck, shuffle the deck. If you rode a card, your opponent may draw a card.
Get Energy just by retiring your opponent's units! Sacrifice your opponent's units as fodder to ride "Manifestation of the Great Skyline, Grandogma" and deliver attacks non-stop!

Manifestation of the Great Skyline, Grandogma

Manifestation of the Great Skyline, Grandogma
When this card is bound other than by the ability of a card with the same card name as this card, put this card into drop.
At the end of the battle this unit attacked, retire one of your opponent's rear-guards. If your bind zone has one or more cards with the same card name as this unit, retire one of your opponent's rear-guards, and if your bind zone has two or more cards with the same card name as this unit, Stand this unit!
At the end of your turn, if your bind zone has one or less cards with the same card name as this unit, choose a "One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass" from your soul, and ride it as Rest. If you rode a card, bind this card!
Ride this card with the ability of "Sacrifice Glass" and this unit will be able to serve additional attacks!
You will return to "Sacrifice Glass" if you have insufficient copies of "Grandogma" in your bind zone, but by superior riding this card each turn, you can save up on Grandogma copies in your bind zone, and aspire for a perfect manifestation of Grandogma!

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