Deck Recipe

Great Sage of Scheol, Solrairon Masques

Solrairon from Booster Pack 10: Dragon Masquerade!
Increase your Dragontree markers, and aim for triggers in your drive checks while dealing relentless attacks!

Nation: Keter Sanctuary

Check out these featured cards!

Great Sage of Scheol, Solrairon Masques

Great Sage of Scheol, Solrairon Masques
Without reducing your hand size, you can place a card of your choice on the top of your deck.
After that, if you declare the card type of the card you placed on top, when the unit placed by this unit's ability this turn attacks, it performs drive checks.
In addition, you can call or put on the top or bottom of your deck the same number of cards as the number of your Dragontree markers, so you can link into consecutive attacks and reveal triggers in your drive checks!

Dragontree Wretch, Pegas Dyeshach

Dragontree Wretch, Pegas Dyeshach
When this unit is placed, you can add a "Masque of Hydragrum" to hand!
In addition, by binding this unit, you can add a "Masques" card from the top seven cards of your deck to your hand, so you can safely ride "Great Sage of Scheol, Solrairon Masques"!

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