(Updated May 2, 2024)
(Updated January 19, 2024)
It is determined to provide a healthier environment for fights.
If you’re participating in a tournament, please read and adhere to the rules on this page.
“Fighter’s Rules” will be updated when necessary after official tournaments.
There may be updates regardless of tournament circumstances.
※For more information about the rules, please refer to our Floor Rules.
• English edition cards sold or distributed with the

• Choose a nation, and construct your deck with only cards from that nation.
• Your deck consists of a 5-card ride deck and a 50-card main deck. ※1, ※2
• You must include a total of exactly 16 triggers in total between your main deck and ride deck.
• You can include up to 1 over trigger, up to 4 heal triggers, and up to 8 each for critical triggers, draw triggers, and front triggers.
※1 Please refer here for detailed rules about the ride deck
※2 When certain cards are used, fighters can use a G deck.
The Fighter’s Rules may have other restrictions in place on the usage of cards. Please refer here for the details.
Fighters with an “Energy Generator” in their crest zone can use energy.
• Cards that involve energy include “Energy-charge” or “Energy-blast” in their abilities.
• “Energy-charge” increases the energy you have by the value of “Energy-charge”. A fighter can have up to 10 energy.
• “Energy-blast” decreases the energy you have by the value of “Energy-blast”. You cannot pay an “Energy-blast” that is greater than the energy you have.
Please refer here for more information on what can be used to keep track of energy.
• All English edition cards sold or distributed can be used.
• Choose a clan, and construct a deck with only cards from that clan.
• If nation cards are used, they must correspond to the appropriate nation that the clan belongs to. Click here for more details on Premium format deck construction for overDress and onwards.
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
- Fight fairly by following the rules and paying respect to your opponent at all times.
- Communicate with your opponent by speaking and making actions clear. Also, when your opponent makes a move, give a response to express that you understand their actions.
- Do not touch your opponent’s cards without his or her permission. If you handle your opponent’s cards, handle them with care.
- Do not move the cards in your hand out of view of your opponent (such as under the table).
Also, do not shuffle the cards in your hand loudly, or shuffle them excessively.
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
- Depending on the release date, there may be cards with the same abilities with updated text.
- When referencing the text for the card abilities, and its related rule resolutions, it will refer to the latest version of text released.
(e.g. When you play G-BT02/103EN “Rain Elemental, Tear”, it will be treated to have the text of PR/0463EN)
(Updated on Oct 24, 2024)
- Ride Decks will be used for Standard.
- Aside from your main deck of 50 cards, choose a unit card for each of the grades 0, 1, 2, and 3, along with a ride deck crest, as your ride deck of 5 cards.
- Your ride deck can include units with the same nation as your main deck, and units without any nation or clan information. “Energy Generator” ride deck crests can be included in ride decks for all nations.
- The grade 0 unit chosen for your ride deck will be your first vanguard.
- Before the fight begins, both fighters should place the ride deck crest face up and all other ride deck cards face down in a manner that separates them from the main deck, and confirm the number of each other’s ride deck cards.
- Generally, the contents of your ride deck cannot be modified during a tournament.
- When certain cards are being used, the ride deck can be constructed according to the following conditions:
- Fighters that choose “Griphosid” for the grade 0 choose calamity cards for each of the grades 1, 2, and 3, along with an over trigger and a ride deck crest, as their ride deck of 6 cards.
- Fighters that choose <<Touken Ranbu>> can choose “Training Equipment” as the grade 3. If they do so, for their ride deck of 6 cards, in addition to “Training Equipment”, they choose a ride deck crest and 4 unit cards with different card names, consisting of a unit without “Kiwame” in its card name and a unit for each of the grades 0, 1, and 2. Please prepare “Training Equipment” as face up before the start of the fight.
(Updated on May 2, 2024)
- G Decks will be used for Premium.
- You may have 0 to 16 cards in your G zone that is separate from the 50 cards in your main deck. Cards in your G zone must be from the same clan as your main deck.
- Generally, the contents of your G zone cannot be modified during a tournament.
- While there is no requirement to declare your use of a G Deck, should your opponent asks, you must accurately answers to your usage of a G Deck, and the number of cards it contains.
※ Please refer here for the conditions to use G Decks in Standard.
(Updated on April 19, 2024)
- If your ride deck includes an “Energy Generator”, please prepare one of the following for keeping track of energy.
1. 10 officially distributed or sold energy cards
2. 1 officially distributed or sold energy counter and 1 fighter’s coin. - If you are using energy cards, place the same number of energy cards as your current energy face up, and put the remaining energy cards in a manner that does not interfere with the playing of cards.
Placing the energy cards in a manner that both fighters can understand, such as “placing the energy cards representing the current energy on top of the “Energy Generator” and placing the rest of the energy cards face down”, is recommended.
You can use any combination of energy cards with different illustrations. (All cards using the same illustration is fine as well) - If you are using an energy counter, place the energy counter somewhere that would not interfere with the playing of cards, and place the fighter’s coin on top of the number equal to your current energy. Placing the energy counter near the “Energy Generator” is recommended.
While you may use items other than the fighter’s coins included with products to place on the energy counter, items that match the following conditions are not allowed to be used. - Overly large that it makes determining the current energy value difficult. (Items approximately larger than 2.5cm in diameter and 4.0cm in height)
- Unstable items and items with a high center of gravity, that are liable to move or topple from accidental contact or vibrations.
- Items with numbers or designs that represent numbers, that can represent a modification of numbers. (E.g. dice)
- Coins or bills, electronic devices, and other items stated in the floor rules that are not allowed to be used.
(Updated on May 2, 2024)
- Please use officially released token cards, gift markers, quick shield tickets, and crests.
- Please prepare sufficient token cards and marker cards before the start of the fight, and put them face down in an area separate from the zones of the game.
- While you do not declare what token cards and marker cards you are using before the start of a fight, you must give accurate answers to what types of token cards and marker cards you are using if your opponent asks.
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
- Official Fighter’s Counters and official Fighter’s Coins may be used to indicate any changes to the power and/or critical.
- Please prepare the amount you would require before the fight, and use them in a manner that does not obstruct the playing of cards.
- You may use a container to hold your aid items, but no other items should be included in the container.
For more details, please check the advanced floor rules here.
(Updated on May 2, 2024)
Sleeves must be used for the main deck.
In addition, as stated in the floor rules, the sleeves used must adhere to the following 3 points:
- Should not allow for particular cards to be distinguished
- Should not obscure any information necessary for the game
- Should not include anything other than cards (or the sleeves containing them)
The use of 1 to 3 layers of sleeves that adhere to the above conditions is allowed.
When using a single layer of sleeves, please use mini sized, opaque sleeves (illustrated or monochrome).
If 2 or 3 layers of sleeves are used, please follow the usage guideline found further below.
The following combinations of sleeves are examples of what can be used for all levels of tournaments.
※Even if the following combinations are used, there may be instances where information on cards are not clearly visible, or can be distinguished from other cards, or becomes too thick to be stacked neatly, and other issues that may obstruct the fight from proceeding. In such cases, you may be instructed to remove or replace the sleeves used.
Opaque sleeves made for mini sized cards should be used for the first layer of sleeves (not including the inner sleeves for sized cards) [marked in red in the table below].
If you wish to use opaque sleeves made for regular sized cards [marked in blue in the table below], please use monochrome mini sized sleeves (sleeves that are not inner sleeves, and are standard mini sized sleeves) as the first layer.
Mini sized
Inner sleeve
Mini sized
Standard sleeves
Mini sized
Standard sleeves
Mini sized
Over sleeves
Mini sized
Standard sleeves
Regular sized
Standard sleeves
First layer | Second layer | Third layer |
Clear or monochrome (with aluminum film back) Mini sized Inner sleeve |
Monochrome or illustrated Mini sized Standard sleeves |
Clear Mini sized Over sleeves |
Monochrome Mini sized Standard sleeves |
Monochrome or illustrated Regular sized Standard sleeves |
Monochrome Mini sized Standard sleeves |
Monochrome or illustrated Regular sized Standard sleeves |
Clear Regular sized Over sleeves |
※If you use 3 layers of sleeves, please ensure that the thickness of the deck does not cause difficulty in stacking as one pile or in shuffling.
To prevent information on cards from becoming difficult to read, or to prevent cards from becoming distinguishable, please avoid using the combination of sleeves below.
- Card sleeves that are too large for the cards
→ It is recommended that you use opaque sleeves for mini sized cards as the first layer. This is especially the case for Regional tournaments or higher, where the use of opaque mini sized sleeves as the first layer is a requirement.
※Even if you are using inner sleeves with aluminum film backing, please use opaque mini sized sleeves.
※There may be additional requirements on the usage of sleeves imposed by the tournament organizers or judges. In those cases, please use sleeves that comply with the additional guidelines. - 4 or more layers of sleeves
→ Please use only up to 3 layers of sleeves.
※For tournaments that do not require 2 layers of sleeves only, fighters may choose to use up to 3 layers of sleeves. - Clear sleeves only
→ Please only use clear sleeves in combination with opaque sleeves, such as sleeves with illustrations. - Soiled or damaged sleeves
→ Check the conditions of your sleeves before participating in any tournaments.
→ As soiled or damaged sleeves may make information on cards difficult to read, or make it possible to distinguish the cards, please do not use soiled or damaged sleeves. - Sleeve with patterns or words that is partially opaque.
→ Please do not use them as they might cause difficulty in reading information on cards, or create a mark that distinguishes it from other cards. - Using opaque sleeves on top of opaque patterned sleeves
→ Please do not use another opaque sleeve over opaque patterned sleeves.
※It is possible to use opaque sleeves on top of patternless opaque sleeves (monochrome sleeves, or patternless inner sleeves with aluminum film). - Card loaders
→ Non-sleeve products cannot be used.
Examples of recommended usage of sleeves:

Please check out the Advanced Floor Rules for more details.
※For the main deck, mini sized opaque sleeves are recommended as the first layer. This is especially the case for Regional tournaments or higher, where mini sized opaque sleeves are required as the first layer.
(Updated on May 2, 2024)
Sleeves must be used for cards in the ride deck and G deck. (Sleeves must also be used for the ride deck crest)
You may freely choose whether to use sleeves for token cards, marker cards, and cards used to count energy.
If you use sleeves, please use different sleeves in order to distinguish them from your main deck. While the rules for sleeves for token and marker cards are not as detailed as the rules for sleeves for the main deck, please do not use sleeve combinations that may disrupt the fight.
- You may use a combination of sleeves with different illustrations of patterns. (You may use the same for all as well).
- You may use sleeves made for regular sized cards.
- You may use clear sleeves as the sole sleeves.
- You may use card loaders, but card loaders that are too thick may disrupt the fight, and should be avoided.
※ You may use sleeves with the same design for both your ride deck and G deck.
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
You may use a playmat that you have prepared beforehand.
You may not use playmats that have zones that are different from Vanguard.
Please obtain permission from your opponent before using your playmat.
※A staff may deem your playmat unsuitable for usage due to piracy and/or morality
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
Unit cards that have no clan or nation can be included in any deck, regardless of the clan or nation chosen.
(Updated on July 8, 2022)
Cards with text written in mermaid text, e.g. V-EB15/ASR01EN “Happiness Heart, Lupina”, included in Extra Booster 15: Twinkle Melody that went on sale on January 22nd 2021, can be used in official sanctioned tournaments.
Additionally, when using these cards in official sanctioned tournaments, please print and bring along this PDF for ability reference.