CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Booster Pack 02: A Brush with the Legends

Release Date | July 23rd, 2021 |
Featured Nations | Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia |
Card Types | 120 types of cards (120 new cards) (RRR: 10 / RR: 15 / R: 30 / C: 65) + Parallels: 92 types (DSR: 2 + SP: 40 + H: 50) 2 cards in every pack will definitely be R or above cards!! |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 16 packs |
The second Booster Pack that delivers powerful upgrades to the five Start Decks, and the first Booster Pack as below!
Start Deck 01: Yu-yu Kondo -Holy Dragon-
Start Deck 02: Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger-
Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler-
Start Deck 04: Megumi Okura -Sylvan King-
Start Deck 05: Tomari Seto -Aurora Valkyrie-
Booster Pack 01: Genesis of the Five Greats
New cards revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
New ride lines coming your way!
There will be 2 brand new ride lines featured in this product.
Keep a lookout for future reveals!
Special Dress Secret Rare (DSR) cards!
Look out for these rare and ultra-valuable cards, featuring illustrations drawn by CLAMP!
• Danji Momoyama and “Diabolos, “Violence” Bruce”
• Tohya Ebata and “Apex Ruler, Bastion”
As featured in the weekly VG Bites.
Pre-order bonuses you should not miss out on!
1. Box topper Fighter’s Counter
Each display will come with 1 piece of Fighter’s Counter of a random design that can be used in cardfights!
There are 7 types of Fighter’s Counter in total, let’s collect them all!
Use them as counters for your Over Trigger!
※While stocks last
2. Box topper overDress PR card
One random overDress PR card that has not been released in English will be included in every display!
※While stocks last
3. Tournament stores exclusive PR Pack
Official tournament stores that confirm their pre-orders before the deadline will receive this PR pack!
The cards in this PR pack are chosen from the R and C rarities of Booster Pack 02 “A Brush with the Legends”, and given a holo foil treatment! (1 out of 10 types per pack!)
※While stocks last