CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Lyrical Trial Deck 01: Ahoy! Lyrical Monasterio!

Release Date | October 15th, 2021 |
Featured Nations | Lyrical Monasterio |
Card Types | 15 types of cards (14 new cards / 1 reissue card, inclusive of 6 types of possible holo cards) + various parallels (SP: 6 types) |
Others | 1 pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards 1 display contains 6 decks 2 Power Counters First Guide Playsheet ※Specifications subject to changes |
Introducing the Trial Deck for Lyrical Monasterio!
Lyrical Monasterio is an academic city where idols and
idol candidates from all over the world have gathered!
This product features the school life in Lyrical Monasterio with units
from a myriad of origins (Mermaids, Angels, Ghosts, Warbeasts, and more).
New cards revealed!
As featured in the weekly VG Bites. Do keep a lookout for more reveals!
What to expect
Each product includes 1 piece of D-LTD01/001EN “Astesice, Kairi” and 2 pieces of cards randomly selected from among 5 types of cards in RRR foil!
The reissue card is the Over Trigger “Spiritual King of Determination, Olbaria”.
Also, featuring 1 type each of Critical, Draw, Front, and Heal Triggers!
Look out for the SP cards!
Apart from the 3 cards in RRR foil per deck, there’s a chance of getting an SP rarity! Will you be the lucky one to obtain them?
Lyrical Booster goes on sale 1 week after the Lyrical Trial Deck!
Lyrical Booster Pack 01: Lyrical Melody