[VGE-D-TB02] Title Booster 02 “Record of Ragnarok”

Much Awaited Encounter
Trigger Unit
Record of Ragnarok
Grade 0
Power 4000
Critical 1
Shield 15000
Critical +10000
[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, [COST][put this unit into your soul], choose one of your <Man> or <Valkyrie>, and it gets [Power] +2000 until end of turn.
At last, I've met a foe I can fight with all my might and soul!
©Azychika, Shinya Umemura, Takumi Fukui/Coamix, Ragnarok Project
Found in the following Products
07-15-2022 | [VGE-D-TB02] Title Booster 02 “Record of Ragnarok” | Card List Product Page |
[Much Awaited Encounter] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Adam |
Brunhilde |
Kojiro Sasaki |
Lü Bu |