[VGE-DZ-BT03] Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 03: Dimensional Transcendence

Bracing Angel Ladder
Normal Order
Grade 3
Regalis Piece
Regalis Piece(You may only have one Regalis Piece in your deck, and use it a total of one time in a fight)
Draw a card, put this card into soul, and until end of your opponent's next turn, you get "During your turn, all of your vanguards get [Power] +5000." and "All of your rear-guards cannot be chosen and cannot be put other than on (RC) by your opponent's card effects.".
Draw a card, put this card into soul, and until end of your opponent's next turn, you get "During your turn, all of your vanguards get [Power] +5000." and "All of your rear-guards cannot be chosen and cannot be put other than on (RC) by your opponent's card effects.".
The light of hope shines down from the sky. Rise with an unwavering heart.
Found in the following Products
08-30-2024 | [VGE-DZ-BT03] Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 03: Dimensional Transcendence | Card List Product Page |
[Bracing Angel Ladder] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
PR♥ISM-Image, Vert |
PhosphorescenceStream, Haseritt |
Absolute Zero, Sagitta |
Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael |
Inferno of Dust Storm, Eugene |
Purgatory Great Dragon Emperor, Favrneel |