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Relay Fight FAQ
It’s Friday and we are officially in the first week of March! Time is really zooming past us isn’t it?
Regardless of the passage of time, I’m sure you can recall that two weeks ago we featured the new game format Relay Fight to an enthusiastic response. Since then, some of you might have some time to mull over the various rules involved, and would like to know about Relay Fight in greater detail.
And what do you know, here’s your chance to find out more as we will be unveiling some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pertaining to Relay Fight!
Can I use the ability of a unit received from a previous fighter?
Yes, you can.
Can I use cards in G zone received from a previous fighter to fulfill the condition for G break?
Yes, you can.
Can I choose not to ride in Relay Fight?
Yes, you can.

Can I turn a face up card in my G zone that was received from a previous fighter face down using the ability of “Wakey Wakey Worker”? Also, can I stride that card if I turn it face down?
Yes, you can turn it face down. However, it returns to its owner’s G deck when it is turned face down. Since it returns to its owner, you cannot stride it.
What happens when fighters are substituted?
When a fighter loses, only the rule actions and AUTO abilities will be resolved for the remaining phases of the current turn. During play timings, all actions other than AUTO abilities (normal call, using ACT abilities, attacking, etc.) will be skipped. After all rule actions and AUTO abilities are resolved and the turn ends, the next fighter is substituted in.

When my team’s 1st fighter has 4 or less damage, and their opponent uses the Limit Break 5 ability of their “Star-vader, “Omega” Glendios” and wins. What happens?
Your team’s 1st fighter will lose and your 2nd fighter will take over.
The opponent will only resolve the rule actions and AUTO abilities of the Main Phase, Battle Phase and End Phase. During play timings, all actions other than AUTO abilities (normal call, using ACT abilities, attacking, etc.) will be skipped. After all rule actions and AUTO abilities are resolved and the turn ends, your team’s 2nd fighter is substituted in.
In addition, your team’s 2nd fighter will lose when they have a total damage of 8.
When my team’s 1st fighter’s deck has 0 cards in deck after drawing during the draw phase, what happens?
When the number of cards in their deck becomes 0 your team’s 1st player loses and your 2nd player will take over.
Your team’s 1st fighter will only resolve the rule actions and AUTO abilities of the Main Phase, Battle Phase and End Phase. During play timings, all actions other than AUTO abilities (normal call, using ACT abilities, attacking, etc.) will be skipped. After all rule actions and AUTO abilities are resolved and the turn ends, your 2nd fighter is substituted in, and the opponent’s turn begins.

I bind cards from my opponent’s hand using the ability of “Rikudo Stealth Dragon, Tsukumorakan”. If my opponent loses during that turn, what happens to the cards that were bound?
At the end of the turn, they would return to their owner’s hand, and the next fighter will be substituted in after the end of the turn.
My team’s 1st fighter loses while having cards that are locked or deleted. Do they continue to be locked or deleted?
Yes, they will.
However, if they lose during their turn, after the cards are unlocked and will no longer be deleted due to the end phase rule actions, your team’s 2nd fighter will be substituted in after the end of the turn.
Can I use the abilities of my teammate’s rear-guard called from the drop zone, or abilities from striding on my teammate’s vanguard?
Yes, as long as the conditions are fulfilled you can use them.
My team is using the ≪Kagero≫, ≪Granblue≫ and ≪Link Joker≫ clans. Can the ≪Kagero≫ fighter attack with a ≪Granblue≫unit that has Lord, when they have are no other ≪Granblue≫ units?
Yes, the Lord of the 3 clans chosen by the team is cancelled.
In this case, The Lord of ≪Kagero≫, ≪Granblue≫ and ≪Link Joker≫ units is cancelled.
When a ≪Kagero≫ rear-guard received from my team’s 1st player is returned to hand by the ability of my team’s 2nd player’s or my ≪Bermuda Triangle≫, what happens?
Cards cannot be returned to areas with a different owner.
They cannot be used as the cost for abilities that return cards to hand for their cost.
Did you find out the answers to your questions? If yes, we are absolutely delighted to have clarified your doubts! If no, please do not despair! Feel free to email your questions to and our super support team will help you out!
That’s it for today! We hope everyone is enjoying their Friday and see you guys next week!

A Grain Legume Columnist
Peanut. Peanut oil. Peanut butter. Eat peanuts, draw peanuts, write peanuts, code peanuts and play with a white dog. Live on the ground, look into the sky, and hope to bring joy to everyone.

The Cardfighter’s Column publishes every Friday, featuring Cardfight!! Vanguard news, card insights, event updates and more!
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