Deck Recipe

Scarlet Flame Ash Dragon, Gandeeva Masques

Gandeeva from Booster Pack 10: Dragon Masquerade re-enters the fray wielding the power of the Dragontree!
Retire numerous of your opponent's rear-guards, empower your front row units, and fight with an advantageous battle position!

Nation: Dragon Empire

Check out these featured cards!

Scarlet Flame Ash Dragon, Gandeeva Masques

Scarlet Flame Ash Dragon, Gandeeva Masques
First, under the effects of "Masque of Hydragrum", let's aim to superior ride upon "Scarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, Gandeeva"!
If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you will be able to activate Persona Ride!
Empower your front row units by increasing the number of bind cards in your bind zone with the ability to bind cards when your opponent's rear-guard is retired, and activate the ACT abilities of "Scarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, Gandeeva" at the same time to gain an increase in Critical!
Furthermore, you can retire your opponent's rear-guards with another one of Gandeeva Masques's ability, so the possiblity of retiring all of your opponent's rear-guards becomes more and more of a reality! Let's burn the opponent's playing field to ashes!

Dragontree Wretch, Torikei Qimrud

Dragontree Wretch, Torikei Qimrud
When this unit is placed, you can add one "Masque of Hydragrum" from your deck to your hand!
In addition, by binding this unit, you can add a "Masques" card from the top seven cards of your deck to hand, so you safely ride "Scarlet Flame Ash Dragon, Gandeeva Masques"!

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